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Have a question you would like answered? Email us and we may answer it. The questions here are based on ones from our readers, with identifying information removed.

Questions that contain: uif

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What should we do now that my son's Child Support Grant payment has stopped because the primary care giver died?

You should go to the SASSA office and explain the situation and why you are applying for the Child Support Grant.

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What can I do if my employer deducts money from my wages but does not submit to UIF? The Labour Department can’t help me.

If complaints are reported to the labour department, it is required to investigate and see that the law is followed.

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Do I lose my UIF unemployment benefits if I claim sickness benefits?

Each time you claim benefits, the UIF cycle stops and then starts again when you return to work and resume paying UIF contributions.

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When can SA Express employees expect to be paid their outstanding monies after the airline's liquidation in 2020?

Workers only receive outstanding payments once all secured creditors of the airline have been paid. This usually takes about 6 to 24 months.

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Can I be financially and medically assisted while waiting for the independent tribunal to decide on my compensation claim?

You can apply for SASSA Temporary Disability Grant while you wait for the outcome of the tribunal.

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Can SASSA reclaim grant money because I earned a wage of R1,300

SASSA can demand repayment for the period that your income exceeded the qualifying amount of the grant.

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Who can I complain to about my former employer failing to submit the correct UIF documents?

You should report this to UIF and ask them to intervene, as you cannot claim your UIF benefits until your employer sends the documents.

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Is there a way to take up the problem of being denied a disability grant?

You can apply for a disability grant at your nearest SASSA office.

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How can I claim the money that my late father left for me when he died?

If a person’s provident or pension fund has not been claimed, the fund will usually place the money in an Unclaimed Benefits Fund while they wait for it to be claimed.

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How can I collect my UIF if my employer refuses to register with NBCRFLI?

An employer is legally required to register with the specific bargaining council that applies to the employer’s main scope of work. If the employer does not comply they can be fined.

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