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Topic: Social Grants  |  Show questions and answers for all topics

Can I reopen my worker's compensation case if I was retrenched after being injured on duty?

If your injury happened less than two years ago, your injury on duty case should still be open.

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Do I have to give proof of residence of both the houses I own to SASSA, when applying for a social grant?

The proof of residence is only required for the house that you actually live in.

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How do I report a person who illegally used my daughter's ID to register for the SRD R350 grant?

Your daughter should immediately report it to SASSA, PostBank or theSouth African Fraud Prevention Service

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I have been waiting five months to get my SRD payment date

SASSA has warned that there will be delays in paying social grants after the income threshold was increased

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What can I do if I can't get a SASSA grant because of my spouse's income but they don't look after me?

You can call a family meeting or approach an organisation that helps families having marital problems.

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Can the surviving spouse change the joint will created with the deceased?

No, both spouses need to agree to change the joint will and this is no longer possible if one has passed away.

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Why was my disability grant stopped when I turned 65?

The disability grant is only available to people aged 19 to 59.

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Why did SASSA reject my R350 SRD grant application?

It may have found that your income exceeds R350 a month. If you disagree, you can appeal the rejection.

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Why hasn't SASSA paid my R350 Covid grant since May 2022?

Under the new regulations, you need to re-apply for the R350 grant.

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How can I appeal SASSA's rejection of my R350 grant application? I do not have UIF money to claim.

You can go to SASSA's SRD grant website.

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