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Questions that contain: R350

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How can I appeal SASSA's rejection of my R350 grant application? I do not have UIF money to claim.

You can go to SASSA's SRD grant website.

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Can a seller change their mind about the cost of the house and sell it for more than it's worth?

The seller can name their price for their property but cannot change their mind after the offer to purchase has been signed.

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My mother's employer was not paying her UIF and is now kicking us out of our home on her property.

It is illegal not to pay your domestic worker's UIF. Your mother should apply for social grants and housing.

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What child support options are available to mothers who cannot supply supporting documents?

They will not qualify for government support, but there may be community programmes that could help.

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How can I stop my relatives from stealing money from my late grandmother's estate?

You can lodge a complaint with the Master of the High Court.

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What can I do if I don't qualify for government housing and have no source of income?

First claim your UIF, if you qualify. Then apply for the new Covid-19 SRD grant.

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How does one get rid of their SAPS Persal number?

Approach the SAPS unit or contact the Department of Public Service and Administration

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Can SASSA give me a one-off advance or loan on an existing grant?

You may want to apply for the SRD grant and try to get maintenance from your children's father.

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Can NSFAS approve my application if I'm getting the SRD?

You need to contact NSFAS

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I got a job after receiving the R350 Covid-19 social relief grant. What must I do?

You are required to inform Sassa of this change.

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