Articles for Vincent Lali

Police don’t listen to us, Marikana residents tell Mbalula

Minister promises extra resources to crime-torn settlement

By , and

News | 3 October 2017

Marikana: the situation is under control, says Plato

Police announce two arrests


News | 2 October 2017

Hundreds protest against arrest of murder suspects in Philippi

Police use teargas and rubber bullets to disperse protesters who were demanding release of community patrol members


News | 18 September 2017

Clashes in Khayelitsha following land occupation

“I have no source of income because I’m jobless but I have to pay R500 to my landlord monthly”

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News | 21 August 2017

Janitors struggle to cope with Wallacedene’s filthy toilets

City promises immunisation shots for workers and that all necessary equipment and chemicals will be delivered


News | 24 July 2017

10111 agents down phones

Call centre employees strike over poor working conditions and low salaries


News | 19 July 2017

Where a house for one means homelessness for another

Many people have lost their backyard shacks after RDP houses built in Wallacedene


News | 18 July 2017

Families in the dark waiting for Eskom

Many Wallacedene residents have been without electricity because of faulty installation


News | 13 July 2017

Khayelitsha residents build “speed bumps” after man killed by speeding taxi

In protest they also blocked a main road with a shipping container


Brief | 27 June 2017

Formal homeowners fight informal settlement neighbours over electricity

“We know we break the law by making illegal connections but we have no choice”


News | 22 June 2017

Agents threaten to close down police call centre

Call centre agents say salary increase was agreed to in 2013


Brief | 7 June 2017

RDP recipients want mouldy, cracked houses fixed

Khayelitsha residents say badly built homes should be fixed and maintained by the state


News | 30 May 2017

Cops close shop because it is “foreign-owned”

Wallacedene residents react angrily to what appears to be officially sanctioned xenophobia


News | 22 May 2017

Ward Councillor Andile Lili calls for residents to rebuild demolished shacks

“We will investigate as councillors should not incite illegal land invasions” says Mayco Member


News | 26 April 2017

Torching of community hall causes problems for Mfuleni one year later

Councillor frustrated that residents cannot contact him


Brief | 7 April 2017

Khayelitsha informal market without electricity for months

Traders say they hardly make a profit anymore


News | 15 March 2017