Prasa / Metrorail

Siyaya lawyer agrees with the defence at Judge Makhubele tribunal

Transcripts from the Siyaya insolvency hearing show PRASA was bound to pay the corruption-accused company, argues Makhubele’s advocate


Law | 18 May 2023

Minister says “no” to City of Cape Town bid to take over the trains

City must just move people off the lines, says Sindiswe Chikunga


News | 17 May 2023

PRASA attorney didn’t know about concessions that led to Siyaya settlement, tribunal told

The attorney acting on behalf of PRASA says he could not determine whether concessions were made by PRASA employees as claimed.


Law | 16 May 2023

PRASA had no leg to stand on in Siyaya matters, tribunal on Makhubele hears

Siyaya lawyer testifies on how R56-million settlement was reached


Law | 16 May 2023

Siyaya was “stuck in their own mud” before Judge Makhubele intervened, tribunal hears

Advocate argues it was not unusual for a PRASA board chairperson to take an interest in legal matters, but former legal head questions the manner of engagement


News | 12 May 2023

Witness describes Judge Makhubele’s unusual interest in dodgy Siyaya deal

Fani Dingiswayo tells the Judicial Conduct Tribunal that Makhubele pushed for a settlement with Siyaya rather than defend their claims in court


Law | 11 May 2023

Explosive email read at Judge Makhubele’s tribunal

Advocate Elaine Zungu led evidence showing that the judge ordered payment to Siyaya when she chaired the PRASA board


News | 10 May 2023

Judge Makhubele “abetted corruption” at PRASA, tribunal hears

PRASA whistleblower Martha Ngoye stands firm under cross examination


News | 8 May 2023

Fixing Cape Town’s railways will save families nearly R1-billion a year

We cannot wait any longer to save the city’s train service


Opinion | 25 April 2023

PRASA’s decision to cancel railway security contracts “reckless and irresponsible” says SCOPA chair

Rail agency assures MPs that the Central Line in Cape Town would be fully operational by December


News | 21 April 2023

Activists take Parliament to court over PRASA

#UniteBehind says Ethics Committee has failed to act


Parliament | 18 April 2023

Is PRASA using lawyers unlawfully?

Rail agency uses firm not on its legal panel despite warnings by National Treasury


News | 3 April 2023

At last PRASA partly opens Cape Town’s Central Line

The service will run only from Nyanga to Maitland


News | 16 March 2023

Tribunal into Judge Makhubele’s conduct adjourned until May

#UniteBehind’s Zackie Achmat urges Judge Makhubele to publicise her legal costs “which are being carried by the public”


News | 24 February 2023

Judge Makhubele “sidelined and excluded” PRASA’s legal team, Tribunal hears

Martha Ngoye tells the Judicial Conduct Tribunal that Judge Makhubele wanted to be the first one consulted about the Siyaya matter


News | 23 February 2023