UNISA students protest against NSFAS exclusions

Protesters claim that some returning students who achieved more than 50% pass marks have not had their funding renewed


Brief | 28 January 2020

Lottery paid millions of rands to COO’s wife’s company

Companies linked to Phillemon Letwaba’s friends and family have received huge amounts of Lottery money


Feature | 28 January 2020

Families claim they were duped into paying R50 to get a house

But Howard Soetwater of United Homeless People’s Association says it needs money to organise


News | 28 January 2020

West Coast property owners could be ordered to demolish their houses

Provincial government warns owners about building too close to the sea


News | 28 January 2020

Apology and retraction

One of our freelance reporters fabricated quotes


GroundView | 28 January 2020

Brilliant matriculant can’t go to university - because she’s Zimbabwean

Triphin Mudzvengi got seven distinctions and wants to study civil engineering


News | 28 January 2020

Greenmarket Square refugees reject City of Cape Town’s offer of reintegration

Cape High Court expected to rule tomorrow on whether City can enforce by-laws


Brief | 27 January 2020

Authorities prepare South Africa for coronavirus

No cases detected in the country, but National Institute for Communicable Diseases has put systems in place


News | 27 January 2020

Parents, learners shut down Port Elizabeth school

Construction delayed after Eastern Cape education department fails to pay building contractors


News | 27 January 2020

Drivers stoned, vehicle set alight in Gugulethu protest

Avanza drivers forced to turn around


News | 27 January 2020

Can you be retrenched without being consulted? Constitutional Court makes a far-reaching ruling

AMCU challenged sections of the Labour Relations Act


Law | 27 January 2020

Traders and shopowners face off over sewage spill

Motorists are splashing sewage onto my meat, says Cape Town trader


Brief | 27 January 2020

Over 100 judgments have been outstanding for more than six months

This is up from 87 at the end of 2018


News | 27 January 2020

Muddle over Cape High Court’s late judgments

Judge President Hlophe fails to explain why numbers don’t match


News | 27 January 2020

Commuters protest to stop bus company from closing

Judge extends liquidation of North West Transport Investments until June


News | 24 January 2020

“I’m still shaking with fear” says Newcastle shop owner - STORY RETRACTED

Dozens of immigrant-owned stores in Osizweni and Madadeni were ransacked and vandalised on Thursday


Brief | 24 January 2020