Students left to study under trees after school roof blows off

Eastern Cape school waiting for repairs since November


News | 4 February 2016

Walter Sisulu students evicted from campus

Students have many grievances, but their leadership is fractured


News | 29 January 2016

Parents refuse to pay for teachers who donโ€™t teach

School accused of victimising children


News | 27 January 2016

Gay activist attacked in Port Elizabeth tavern

Cape Town man says police refused to open docket


News | 27 January 2016

Hefty fines for asylum seekers at Port Elizabeth refugee centre

Immigrants complain that officials humiliate them.


News | 19 January 2016

Court case exposes violence in Wild Coast mining dispute

Four men accused of assaulting residents of the Amadiba coastal area were released on R2,000 bail each yesterday at the Mbizana Magistrates’ Court.


News | 12 January 2016

Butterworth’s R9 million swimming pool is still empty after seven years

Seven years after building started, Butterworth’s R9 million swimming pool is still not finished.


News | 9 December 2015

Students in state scheme get certificates for courses they didn’t complete

The National Rural Youth Service Corps (Narysec), set up to train unemployed young people in rural areas, seems to be in disarray in the Eastern Cape, where some students have given up hope of graduating while others say they have been given certificates for courses they did not complete.

Nombulelo Damba-Hendrik and GroundUp staff

Feature | 8 December 2015

This school has 300 students and no running water

Mahlubini Junior Secondary School near Cofimvaba has close to 300 students, no electricity in the classrooms and no running water.

Nombulelo Damba-Hendrik

News | 1 December 2015

Build us proper schools, students tell Education Department

Grade 11 student Achuma Mjikeliso was among a few dozen members of Equal Education protesting outside the Eastern Cape Education Department in King William’s Town yesterday. Her main complaint: leaking roofs in her classroom.

Nombulelo Damba-Hendrik

News | 1 December 2015

Councillor must fall, say King William’s Town protesters

Wheelchair-bound Leilanie Boswell, 38, was one of about 100 Sweetwaters residents who protested yesterday outside the Buffalo City municipality offices in King William’s Town, demanding housing, street lights, a taxi rank and other amenities.

Nombulelo Damba-Hendrik

News | 19 November 2015

Hospital CEO under fire after baby’s body found

Residents of Xhorha in the Eastern Cape marched to Madwaleni hospital yesterday, demanding the departure of the CEO after a baby was found buried in the hospital grounds.

Nombulelo Damba-Hendrik

News | 18 November 2015

Robbers target foreign hawkers in Port Elizabeth

Foreign nationals trading in Motherwell, Port Elizabeth, live in fear following a spike in robberies in recent months. The traders say they are being targeted by criminals who rob them of their goods and then sell the loot to locals at a heavily discounted price. Most robberies happen in daylight.

Joseph Chirume

News | 16 November 2015

Addo residents demand that โ€œkillerโ€ canal be closed

Residents of Paterson, Addo, Bersheba, Uitenhage and Thornhill have threatened to close down the Sundays River Valley Municipality in Addo if a canal which they say is killing their children is not closed within seven days.

Nombulelo Damba-Hendrik and Siphesihle Matyila

News | 13 November 2015

How Willowvale women live in fear of rape

Willowvale resident No-Italy Gola, 54, used a machete to fight off the man who tried to rape her. Many other women have not managed to thwart their attackers in this town where at least two rapes are reported to the police each week.

Nombulelo Damba-Hendrik

News | 11 November 2015

Snakes in the classroom

A school caretaker falls into a pit toilet and struggles for an hour to get out; snakes invade a primary school classroom: it’s just another day in Eastern Cape schools.

Nombulelo Damba-Hendrik

News | 3 November 2015