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Topic: Immigration  |  Show questions and answers for all topics

How can I get a death certificate for my parent so that I can apply for my ID?

You can apply for a replacement copy or a full death certificate at any Home Affairs office.

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Can refugees in South Africa apply for resettlement to another country?

Unfortunately not. UNHCR says that refugees are identified for Resettlement based on their protection needs.

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What happens to my visa if I, a non-citizen, divorce from my permanent resident spouse?

The Director-General of Home Affairs can issue an order that will allow a foreign ex-spouse who applies for a visitorā€™s or relativeā€™s visa to stay in the country.

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How can IĀ get a South African ID so that IĀ can further my studies?

If either of your parents has permanent residency in South Africa, you would qualify to apply for permanent residence too. Then after five years, you could apply for citizenship by naturalisation.

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Should I wait for the spousal permit to be extended before informing Home Affairs that weĀ are divorced?

The court ordered that a foreign ex-spouse should be allowed to live and work in the country to discharge parental duties.

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What do I do about Home Affairs not responding to my applications for an accompanying visa?

You'll need to get help from an organisation with experience in dealing with Home Affairs.

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Does my family needĀ to have temporary visas first orĀ can they just apply for permanent residency at the same time as me?

To be on the safe side, perhaps it would be wise to apply for temporary visas for the family, as well as permanent residence for the whole family, you included.

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Can ZEP holders still meet FICA requirements since the permit was scrapped?

Yes, the court ruled that the ZEP was to be deemed still valid until June 2024.

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Can I use a DNA test to prove that I am the child of a South African citizen and use the results to get citizenship?

Yes, a sibling DNA test can indeed establish whether half-siblings share a biological father.

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Can I use my late fatherā€™s documents to apply for a study permit in South Africa? He was Zimbabwean but had a non-citizen SA ID.

Your father's permanent residence in South Africa does not give you access to study in South Africa.

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