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Topic: Inheritance  |  Show questions and answers for all topics

What do I do if my deceased father sold his property but there was no title deed transfer?

If the buyer can prove that he paid the amount agreed between him and your late father then he can demand that the sellerโ€™s obligation, which is to deliver the property, is fulfilled,

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What can I do if a UIF employee won't help me even if I have all the necessary documents?

You can contact the UIF Call Centre to ask that they help you. You can also lodge a complaint against the employee.

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If my wife cheated and got pregnant, can I get our marriage annulled? Do I still have to share my belongings because we married in community of property?

No, your wife's adultery during your marriage is not grounds for annulment, and you still have to split assets 50/50.

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What can I do if my sibling refuses to report our parent's deceased estate?

It is illegal not to report a deceased estate. Perhaps telling your sibling this will spur them to action. Otherwise you can approach the Master's office for help.

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Can I claim my late partner's estate if we were not married but had kids together?

Under the law of intestate succession, you can inherit as his life partner.

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Can I claim from an intestate estate if I am not the next of kin but the owner said everything should go to me?

Unfortunately, if the deceased has living siblings, you will not inherit.

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How can I access the money left by my late father at his old job if I don't have all the information and documents required?

Certify copies of his and your IDs, and make an affidavit explaining the circumstances. Take these to the HR department at his old job.

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Can I challenge my stepfather's will that excludes me from inheriting his house that originally belonged to my mother?

It's possible but very difficult. You should find out what exactly the will states and whether the house was still in your mother's name.

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Can I stop the sale of my father's house if he died before the sale was completed?

No, the deed of sale remains a binding contract

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Can my step-mother keep me from inheriting my late father's RDP house?

You cannot inherit if your father did not leave you anything in his will. Minor children can make a claim for maintenance if they were excluded from the will.

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