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Topic: Labour  |  Show questions and answers for all topics

Can my employer withhold my provident fund if I was dismissed on a safety-related charge?

No, only the provident fund can withhold an employee's provident fund for reasons stipulated in Section 37 of the Pensions Act.

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If you were not compensated for a workplace injury a few years ago, can you claim money if it is still affecting you?

The Compensation Commissioner will not pay for claims that are made more than 12 months after the accident.

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How can I make a review application to the Labour Court to overturn a decision made by the CCMA?

A review application is made by filling out Form 4 at the Labour Court.

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Can I claim UIF death benefits two years after the person passed away?

Dependants only have 18 months to claim their benefits, but it's worth trying anyway

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Do I qualify for UIF TERS if I was temporarily laid off because of the lockdown?

You should have qualified for the previous TERS extension but the new TERS only applies to certain employees.

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What can I do if my employer hasn't submitted my provident fund claim forms and is avoiding me?

Send a registered letter to the Trustees of the Fund informing them of the matter.

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What can I do about suspected TERS fraud?

It is possible that there was a miscalculation. You should contact the UIF immediately.

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How can I ensure that my provident fund payment is divided equally between me and my seven children?

You and the mother/s will need a court order to compel the fund to do this.

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I contracted Covid-19 and have received no support from my employer

You may want the CCMA to get involved.

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Are caregivers employees or independent contractors?

They are employees if you control when and how they work.

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