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Answers to your questions

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Topic: Labour  |  Show questions and answers for all topics

Does the disability grant cover mental health issues?

Sometimes, but ultimately it is up to SASSA's discretion

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Can an employer withhold your salary and provident fund if you breach the contract?

An employer can only withhold your salary if they have a court order. They cannot withhold the provident fund.

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Can my employer withhold my provident fund to pay outstanding debts without my permission?

No, the provident fund can only withhold your money if you owe the employer money or have been convicted in a civil/criminal case

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The Labour Court still hasn't delivered judgment on my case that was heard six months ago. What can I do?

Lodge a complaint with the Office of the Chief Justice.

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How will doing consulting work for the company that retrenched me affect my UIF claim?

It depends how many hours you worked and whether you classify as a true independent contractor.

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Can my employer maintain a 15% pay cut because we are all working from home?

Yes, because the BCEA is still in force despite the pandemic. You could discuss it with your employers.

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Can I claim UIF for my workers after the salon was closed for four months?

You can claim normal UIF. Your salon might qualify for the latest extension of the TERS payout.

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SARS has the wrong ID number for me. What can I do?

If the company has submitted incorrect information, they need to correct it and resend to SARS.

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I employ private carers. How do I pay their UIF?

If you are registered as an employer, your UIF is paid via SARS. Otherwise, you will need to pay directly to the UIF.

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How can my mother get my late father's COID payment?

You can contact the Western Cape government or get some legal advice.

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