
Top scientists slam government for not using AstraZeneca vaccines

“South Africa has squandered the opportunity to protect half a million of its most vulnerable citizens”


Science | 26 March 2021

Leading research institute says there should be no new trials of hydroxychloroquine for Covid

The drug has failed to prevent or treat the disease, and it has lots of side-effects


Science | 12 March 2021

Cape Town’s sewers offer clues to next Covid-19 wave

Waste treatment plants across the city are being monitored weekly


Science | 10 March 2021

Ivermectin study boosts regulator’s court defence

The first substantial peer-reviewed clinical trial of the drug against Covid-19 finds no evidence that it is a wonder medicine


Science | 8 March 2021

Covid-19: Scientists reveal good news about variant discovered in South Africa

If you have antibodies to the 501Y.V2 variant, you likely have protection against other strains of the virus


Science | 4 March 2021

Johnson & Johnson vaccine looks excellent for South Africa in first published detailed analysis

Concern raised about missed production target, but Professor Glenda Gray says it’s a well-oiled company and they know what they have to do


Science | 25 February 2021

A new vaccine is being tested in Cape Town: Here’s why it’s different

Scientists hope SARS-CoV-2 will be less likely to evade it


Science | 18 February 2021

Why some scientists think the AstraZeneca vaccine is still useful for South Africa

While the results are disappointing against the local variant of the Covid-19 virus, there are reasons to think the vaccine may reduce deaths


Science | 14 February 2021

Covid-19: Remarkable results from blood donor survey

For the four provinces analysed, over half the population has likely had a SARS-CoV-2 infection

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Science | 13 February 2021

Ivermectin and Covid-19: what we still don’t know

At the moment there isn’t enough evidence to justify using the drug for the treatment or prevention of SARS-CoV-2

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Science | 10 February 2021

Nearly all excess deaths are due to Covid-19

Lockdown restrictions are not responsible for massive increase in mortality


Science | 1 February 2021

Excess deaths decline for first time since November

Mortality still near record high but it looks like we are turning the corner


Science | 27 January 2021

Can you be reinfected with the new Covid-19 variant? And how effective will vaccines be against it?

We don’t know the answers yet, but a local study sheds some light


Science | 25 January 2021

Covid-19: Has the alcohol ban helped?

A study at Groote Schuur Hospital suggests it has freed up much-needed beds


Science | 19 January 2021

Will vaccines eradicate SARS-CoV-2?

Scientists predict the virus will be with us for the long-run - but as just another common cold


Science | 18 January 2021

Ivermectin and Covid-19: Why it’s promising but why we need to be cautious

While several studies have shown promising results there is not yet enough data for regulatory authorities to approve ivermectin


Science | 15 January 2021