Education department fails to pay water and electricity bills: parents shut down school in protest

Failure to pay Msunduzi Municipality is a violation of human rights, say parents


Brief | 15 October 2024

Lottery spent R1.5-million on “lawfare” to try to stop Minister Ebrahim Patel’s anti-corruption battle

For years, costly and sustained litigation funded by public money was launched against Patel


News | 15 October 2024

MPs demand Postbank explain “persistent” problems with social grants

Beneficiaries with gold cards have been struggling to access their grants


News | 15 October 2024

Cops accused of torture will plead not guilty

Three officers are accused of torturing a barber during a raid in Cape Town. The incident was caught on CCTV.


News | 15 October 2024

Understanding the High Court ruling on rape and consent

Minister of Justice opposed the case to have “defence of subjective consent to rape” scrapped


Law | 14 October 2024

We discovered massive fraud in SASSA’s grant system

SASSA needs to disclose how this happened and the scale of the problem

By and

Analysis | 14 October 2024

About 100 people march in Khayelitsha against gun crimes and extortion

Crime involving firearms and extortion has prevented the municipality, Eskom and SASSA from providing essential services


News | 14 October 2024

Tensions rise over unfenced Kruger Park after predators kill cattle

State vet warns that livestock wandering into the park pose significant disease threat


News | 14 October 2024

The health and economic costs of emissions at Kusile power plant

Eskom has an exemption to operate without flue gas desulpharization until March


Science | 14 October 2024

People found chained at a private care centre

Department of Social Development is busy relocating the facility’s 20 occupants amid allegations of neglect and inhumane conditions


News | 11 October 2024

31 years into democracy and the bucket system isn’t going away any time soon

The bucket eradication programme, started in 2012, has been through three departments and five implementing agents

By and

Brief | 11 October 2024

SASSA recovers R150-million in ineligible grants payments

But the agency is bleeding funds due to fraudulent payments still being made


News | 11 October 2024

Government’s “headless chicken approach” to the billion-rand shoddy national police headquarters

The Portfolio Committee on Public Works and Infrastructure conducted an oversight visit at the Telkom Towers complex on Thursday


Brief | 11 October 2024

Lottery blows millions of rands on lawyers

Previous minister suggested that previous Lottery management and board colluded with law firms


News | 11 October 2024

Follow the water: tracing Lesotho’s uncertain water supply to Johannesburg

The long-term viability of the Lesotho Highlands Water Project faces various threats

Text by . Photos by .

Feature | 11 October 2024

Court bid to decriminalise sex work

The laws “have not deterred … the selling or buying of sex … and are not rationally capable of doing so. They merely create greater stigma and vulnerability among sex workers and violate their rights.”


Law | 10 October 2024