Softball body battling to keep its head above water

R100k needed to send Cape Town teams to national competition


News | 28 January 2016

How a rural hospital has become a model of good care

If all hospitals were like this we could implement National Health Insurance tomorrow


Opinion | 28 January 2016

CPUT students challenge suspensions in court

Application brought to change interdict against them


News | 27 January 2016

Quiet walk home turns into nightmare for Malawians

Asylum-seeker spends six weeks in prison

Disabled UCT students demand access

"It’s not that we are being difficult or trying to make people's lives harder. We just want access to the education we paid for."


News | 27 January 2016

Parents refuse to pay for teachers who donโ€™t teach

School accused of victimising children


News | 27 January 2016

Gay activist attacked in Port Elizabeth tavern

Cape Town man says police refused to open docket


News | 27 January 2016

Students close down Masiphumelele school

Protest against levy, textbooks, suspensions


News | 26 January 2016

Drought bites into the budgets of the poor

Consumers report rising prices of staple foods


News | 26 January 2016

UCTโ€™s new plan to deal with student debt

Students allowed to register if they convert debt into a new loan


News | 26 January 2016

Will North West premier depose tainted tribal leader?

Or do too many politicians have a vested interest in his continued reign?


Analysis | 25 January 2016

Unions slam teacher allocation policy

African and rural schools disadvantaged, says SADTU


News | 25 January 2016

Anti-land invasion unit demolishes creche extension

Owners and staff members of a community creche in Delft South were upset yesterday when an extension to their school was demolished by the City of Cape Town's Anti Land Invasion Unit (ALIU).


News | 22 January 2016

UCT union declares dispute

The Employees Union at UCT has declared a dispute with UCT Management over salary increases.


Brief | 22 January 2016

Pietermaritzburg school students lock teachers out

Students say school should not charge fees merely because it is surrounded by nice houses.


News | 22 January 2016

Parents lock teachers out of school

Khanya primary school in Samora, Philippi, was closed down by parents today who are demanding scholar transport for their children.


News | 21 January 2016