Protest shuts down overcrowded school

Parents demand temporary classrooms to accommodate learners who were sent home


Brief | 24 January 2020

Train commuters protest after being told to move to second-class carriage

Metrorail apologises for ticket conductor’s behaviour


Brief | 24 January 2020

Why Makhanda residents are taking their municipality to court

Sewage spills are an environmental and health crisis

By and

Opinion | 24 January 2020

R77 million school construction project stalled since 2018

Public Works says Eastern Cape Education Department has not been paying bills


News | 24 January 2020

Township schools run sports events in the street

MEC tells schools to apply for Lottery funding


Brief | 24 January 2020

Fifteen-year wait for KwaNobuhle bridge finally over

Construction underway on a new bridge where dozens of learners cross river daily


Brief | 24 January 2020

R1 billion to be spent on Cape Town’s broken Central Line, promises PRASA

But line still won’t be fully open until 2021


Brief | 23 January 2020

Rondebosch golf club: City of Cape Town accused of subsidising the wealthy elite

But City says renewal of lease is justified


News | 23 January 2020

Eastern Cape hall named after Mandela is derelict

Blue Crane Route Municipality admits it’s at fault


Brief | 23 January 2020

Member of Parliament calls for Lottery board to be fired

NLC investigating itself is like “turkeys voting for Christmas”, says MP in letter to minister Patel


Brief | 23 January 2020

Blind woman and mentally challenged grandson abandoned by authorities

No help from Home Affairs, Social Development or Health


News | 23 January 2020

Makana Municipality to appeal against judgment

Mayor says the municipality has improved and wants judgment dissolving it overturned


Brief | 22 January 2020

Waste reclaimers in court over right to work

City of Tshwane asked to provide land suitable not only for living but for work


News | 22 January 2020

Immigrant shop owner under police protection after looting

Spate of xenophobic violence follows murder of policeman


Brief | 22 January 2020

Children use electricity pylon as jungle gym

Residents of PE township where four children died after playing on rubbish dump call for recreational facilities


Brief | 22 January 2020