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Topic: Sassa | Show questions and answers for all topics
Yes, but SASSA grants are means tested, and UIF and pension benefits count as income, so your grant will be less.
It depends whether your monthly provident fund withdrawals put you over the maximum allowed income to qualify for the disability grant.
No, the money will not disappear, but SASSA says you need to withdraw some of the grant money within 90 days.
You can ask a family member or friend to apply on your behalf. They must take a letter from you and a doctor's note saying why you can't visit the office yourself.
If your disability has been improved or corrected with assistive technology, you may no longer qualify for the grant.
If you are registered with an insurance policy or provident fund that provides disability benefits, you can submit a claim for a monthly stipend.
Yes, although you can't borrow money from SASSA itself.
You should contact Postbank either by phone or email.
You must be given three months' notice of the review by SASSA. You can complain about the official to SASSA directly.
You can ask SASSA to reconsider your application. You can also appeal to the Minister of Social Development.