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Topic: Sassa  |  Show questions and answers for all topics

What can I do if I can't get a SASSA grant because of my spouse's income but they don't look after me?

You can call a family meeting or approach an organisation that helps families having marital problems.

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How can I get an interview for a birth certificate at Home Affairs?

You can phone their hotline but you will probably have better luck if you get help from a non-government organisation.

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Why was my SASSA grant declined then approved?

Your SASSA grant may have been delayed due to changes made by changes to the qualifying criteria.

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Why did SASSA reject my R350 SRD grant application?

It may have found that your income exceeds R350 a month. If you disagree, you can appeal the rejection.

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Are domestic workers eligible for state pension or is it the employer's responsibility?

Domestic workers are eligible for UIF and state pension.

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How is SASSA's old age grant payment calculated?

The closer you get to the maximum allowance, the less pension you will receive.

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Why hasn't SASSA paid my R350 Covid grant since May 2022?

Under the new regulations, you need to re-apply for the R350 grant.

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How can I claim my deceased parent's SASSA funeral cover?

SASSA should know who the insurance company is and help you to make the claim.

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Does SASSA register policies for disability grant recipients?

No, SASSA does not register policies for disability grant recipients.

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How can I appeal SASSA's rejection of my R350 grant application? I do not have UIF money to claim.

You can go to SASSA's SRD grant website.

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