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Answers to your questions

Have a question you would like answered? Email us and we may answer it. The questions here are based on ones from our readers, with identifying information removed.

How do I apply for an RDP house?

Here's how to apply.

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When my asylum permit was terminated Home Affairs marked my passport as "v list" . What does this mean?

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I applied for an RDP house in 2006 and I'm still waiting. What do I do?

Here's how to check where you are on the waiting list.

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How do I transfer ownership of an RDP house?

You will have to change the title deed to your name. This may involve an attorney. But perhaps it is not necessary to do the transfer.

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I applied for a spousal visa in October 2018 in Harare. I'm still waiting for Home Affairs and/or VFS to process my application. What can I do?

You could take the Minister to court to compel him to issue the permit on the basis of an unreasonably long delay, but this could be costly.

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If my daughter's father dies, will she still receive benefits from his estate?

In our view yes, but it is best to meet with the Government Employees Pension Fund to confirm what must be done.

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My asylum permit has expired. Can I still apply for a work permit?

The fact that your asylum permit has expired certainly makes applying for a work permit much more difficult for you.

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In customary marriage can a woman who still uses her maiden name be forced to change her children's surname to their father's surname?

Women in customary marriages have the same rights as women in civil marriages.

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What does SASSA consider an asset when it does the mean test assessment to see if you are eligible for a social grant?

The most recent information we have been able to find comes from a February 2019 article by candidate attorney Carol-Anne Wheeler in News24.

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My partner has an asylum permit. Can we get married?

Yes, you can, if you have the right paperwork, and attend a Home Affairs marriage interview.

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