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Answers to your questions

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Topic: Labour  |  Show questions and answers for all topics

How can my mother get my late father's COID payment?

You can contact the Western Cape government or get some legal advice.

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How long after getting a paid membership certificate will my provident be paid?

Check with your employer and the fund administrators

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What is the difference between GEPF estate maintenance and child pension?

Child pension is for the deceased member's children, while death benefits include other beneficiaries

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Where can KZN police claim their pension fund?

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My domestic worker wants to claim UIF but I have never made a UIF payment. What do I do?

You can pay arrears to the UIF for the years you did not contribute.

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Why was my provident fund not paid out after I relocated and got a new job?

If you still work in the same industry, you still need to contribute to the provident fund.

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How can I apply for my late husband's UIF benefits?

You will need to visit the Labour Centre.

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How do payment holidays influence your credit score?

It should not negatively affect your credit score

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Can my boss use my leave days during the lockdown?

It depends on several factors

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Am I allowed to catch fish during the lockdown?

Under current Level 4 lockdown regulations, it is not allowed

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