Answers to your questions

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Topic: Home Affairs  |  Show questions and answers for all topics

How can I get my ID when Home Affairs can't find my birth certificate in the system?

You can apply for a birth certificate in a late registration of birth application.

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How can undocumented Malawians register the birth of their baby?

There are several organisations to consult as to the best way forward.

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How can I register my baby's birth when my husband's entry visa expired?

If his visa expired before lockdown, you may need to get legal assistance.

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My asylum seeker permit expired and now I don't qualify for UIF. What can I do?

Your permit is still considered valid if it expired on or after 15 March.

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How should matric 2020 learners without IDs apply to tertiary education institutions?

You can still apply for a temporary ID at Home Affairs.

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How can I renew my asylum seeker permit which will expire soon?

Home Affairs offices are not currently renewing any permits.

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Home Affairs won't allow me to apply for an ID. What must I do?

You might need legal assistance.

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How can matric learners without IDs apply for one to write their final exams?

You may wish to consult the following organisations for advice

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I am a foreigner. How can I register my child in South Africa?

You might need legal assistance

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How can I formalise my marriage as an asylum seeker in South Africa?

You might need legal assistance

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