
Covid-19: Cell phone study shows where infections take place

“Stop pussyfooting around funerals” says infectious disease professor


Science | 14 January 2021

Record number of South Africans died in first week of 2021

11,000 of the nearly 20,000 deaths are considered excess deaths. The vast majority are likely due to Covid-19

By and

Science | 13 January 2021

Covid-19: Blood tests to be conducted on 19,000 people in nine provinces

HSRC releases details of nationwide survey


Science | 9 December 2020

New surveys may shed light on SA’s Covid epidemic

But have we tested too few people, too late?


Science | 4 December 2020

Covid-19: Excess deaths for second week running

But the current surge is not nearly as bad as July


Science | 29 October 2020

Covid-19: After weeks of calm, excess deaths are increasing

Latest Medical Research Council mortality report shows clear spike


Science | 22 October 2020

20 shacks ignited in five minutes in experiment

University fire engineering research shows that fire-resistant paint does not work


Science | 12 October 2020

UCT professor’s research offers hope of treatment for sickle cell anaemia

80% of babies born with the disease are in sub-Saharan Africa


Science | 2 September 2020

Covid-19: How a Cape Town project saved many lives

By getting high-risk people into care immediately, even if they are not feeling ill, many deaths can be prevented


Science | 31 August 2020

Plants are being given Zulu names. Here’s why it’s important

Naming invasive species will help to destroy them, says conservationist


Science | 24 August 2020

Why the Covid ‘Recovery Rate’ is a lousy measure of how we’re doing

It is much more sensible to compare how many people have tested positive this week to last week


Science | 20 August 2020

Cloud computing to help save Cape’s unique fynbos

SA team won a Google Earth grant to protect precious floral kingdom

Text by . Photos by .

Science | 28 July 2020

Covid-19: Companies sell unnecessary “deep cleans” with exaggerated claims

Regular cleaning with standard household products is sufficient


Science | 6 July 2020

Do poorer communities have fewer plant and animal species?

A new study confirms that the “luxury effect” is real


Science | 23 June 2020

Covid-19: Making sense of “R”

It’s a useful but much misunderstood concept for explaining the course of the epidemic


Science | 19 May 2020

Enjoy the fresh air while it lasts! Lockdown causes drop in SA air pollution

This may be little comfort to people facing hunger or crippling job losses because of the lockdown, but air pollution is nevertheless a major global killer


Science | 8 May 2020