
Botswana Court of Appeal unanimously recognises gay rights organisation

Judgment has broader implications for many African countries that do not recognise sexual minorities


Analysis | 23 March 2016

School transport: Why we are going to court

The Eastern Cape Department of Education is failing to meet its constitutional duty


Analysis | 8 March 2016

Inheritance: women are still cut out

New laws fail to ensure equality

By and

Analysis | 3 March 2016

What happens when customary marriage goes wrong?

No gender equality upon divorce, study finds

By and

Analysis | 2 March 2016

Customary marriage: is the law working?

Study shows confusion among couples

By and

Analysis | 1 March 2016

Budget: Pensioners and children will be poorer

Social grant increases are below inflation


Analysis | 25 February 2016

Inquiry shows all is not well in private health care

Medical schemes are shirking their responsibilities, possibly because of escalating costs


Analysis | 24 February 2016

Government needs to consult properly before closing schools

Provincial education departments are failing to follow procedures


Analysis | 5 February 2016

When can the police detain you for not showing documents?

Many immigrants are detained arbitrarily

By and

Analysis | 4 February 2016

Will North West premier depose tainted tribal leader?

Or do too many politicians have a vested interest in his continued reign?


Analysis | 25 January 2016

Concerns that drought and weak currency will push up food prices

The skyrocketing price of both white and yellow maize during 2015 as well as estimates of only half of the usual crop sizes being planted for the 2016 season raise concerns for food price inflation.


Analysis | 13 January 2016

What do the matric results mean?

Equal Education researchers explain what's promising, and what isn't.

By and

Analysis | 8 January 2016

After the De Waal Drive threats, tenants in Plumstead fear for the future

The plight of the De Waal Drive families threatened with removal by the Western Cape Department of Human Settlements struck a chord with many Capetonians. But the same process is happening, away from public scrutiny, in other parts of the city, writes Daneel Knoetze of Ndifuna Ukwazi.


Analysis | 10 December 2015

National Minimum Wage: Cosatu calls for R4,125 to R5,276 a month

At Cosatu’s 12th national congress, delegates resolved to support a call for a national minimum wage of between R4,125 and R5,276 a month. Here is an edited summary of the congress declaration.


Analysis | 2 December 2015

National minimum wage part three: the options

Deputy President Cyril Ramaphosa is hosting a social dialogue between business, labour and other constituencies over setting a national minimum wage (NMW). This is the final installment of a three part series by two University of Cape Town professors.

Nicoli Nattrass and Jeremy Seekings

Analysis | 26 November 2015

What are the financial implications of insourcing at UCT?

On 28 October, University of Cape Town management signed an agreement with NEHAWU (the National Education, Health and Allied Workers' Union) which commits the university to employ catering, transport, cleaning, security, and maintenance workers who work at UCT but are employed by outside companies. This promise of “insourcing” came in response to longstanding worker demands, and a period of intense protest in which outsourced workers were joined by many students and some UCT staff.

Ben Stanwix

Analysis | 26 November 2015