City commits to upgrading Endlovini

Residents of Endlovini — who protested three weeks ago at what they described as the empty promises of ward councillor Anele Gabuza and the City of Cape Town — might have their demands met.
Mayoral Committee Member for Human Settlements Benedicta van Minnen says the City plans to turn this informal settlement into an Incremental Development Area (IDA), with the aim of providing alternative accommodation for some households.
An IDA is a place where people will settle permanently and eventually own the properties on which they live.
The Endlovini protest broke out because residents claim they were promised that houses would be built three years ago.
Van Minnen adds that some backyarders of Ilitha, Khayelitsha will be included in the plan. (A backyarder is someone who lives in the yard of a formal house, usually in a shack or Wendy House.) “It is foreseen that the additional accommodation will include approximately 240 residential sites and up to 45 business sites.” She said that if all goes “according to plan” construction could begin middle of 2016.
Councillor Gabuza says he is delighted that the City has given the green light to developing Endlovini as it is one of the oldest informal settlements in Khayelitsha.
Endlovini resident Khangelani Vubelani said he hopes the City and Gabuza will stick to their commitment. “I hope they are not making these huge promises because local government elections are around the corner and now they are vying for our votes,” he says.
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