Local government

The right to protest is being blocked by administrative barriers

Municipal officials often misinterpret the law

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Opinion | 26 July 2024

Rubbish piles up in Durban streets as cleaners picket outside city hall

Expanded Public Works Programme workers lose jobs as budget is cut


Brief | 25 July 2024

City of Joburg’s property error causes havoc for homeowners

Stand numbers in Bertrams are in a mess, affecting billing, valuations, and property sales

By , and

News | 23 July 2024

Nelson Mandela Bay in the dark due to dodgy street light tenders

SIU investigating alleged maladministration in the municipality


News | 19 July 2024

Joburg families plead with City officials to end power cuts

City of Johannesburg losing between R5-million and R10-million monthly due to illegal connections, says City Power


News | 19 July 2024

Free State protesters block roads demanding electricity

Power restored after Phuthaditjhaba residents take to the streets


Brief | 18 July 2024

Vandals and gangs have ruined Cape Town sports field

The City says it spent more than R2.5-million on repairs and maintenance for Avonwood Sports Ground in the 2023/24 financial year


News | 18 July 2024

SIU to investigate allegations of serious maladministration in Nelson Mandela Bay

Mayor says municipality will “give full support” to SIU investigators


Brief | 15 July 2024

Buffalo City ratepayers march to City Hall, rejecting electricity fee

A monthly maintenance network surcharge of between R376 and more than R700 came into effect on 1 July


News | 11 July 2024

Army destroys shacks in Marievale, leaving families homeless

Lawyers for Human Rights plans to go to court again


News | 10 July 2024

Johannesburg Heritage Foundation joins call for library to be reopened

The Louisa Prince Library in Ennerdale has been closed since 2021


News | 5 July 2024

City of eThekwini pays millions for a handful of useless toilets and showers

A private company is charging the City R250,000 a month for 12 toilets and 12 showers at homeless shelters and hardly any of them are working

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News | 2 July 2024

Outcry over loss of sports field to make way for a hospital in Gugulethu

The site is a poor choice and the impact on the community was not considered, say residents


Brief | 2 July 2024

We have no engineer to build your houses, official tells Kariega protesters

R334 blocked by shack dwellers for the second time in a month


News | 25 June 2024

PRASA fined R25,000 by City of Cape Town for contravening zoning laws

Temporary relocation of families occupying central line contravened municipal by-laws


Brief | 22 June 2024