Women are being evicted from shelters onto the street

Victims of violence are rendered homeless or forced to return to abusive homes


Opinion | 20 August 2019

New land occupiers say they are flood victims

People relocating to Mpukwini from Island informal settlement had their shacks demolished on the weekend


News | 19 August 2019

Commuters left stranded by Metrorail in Cape Town

“Every day when I arrive at work I am already exhausted because of the shoving and standing inside the overcrowded trains.”


Brief | 19 August 2019

Zimbabweans too intimidated to speak out, even in South Africa

“Government monitors social media. I am scared if I make negative comments, I would get blacklisted and not get my passport.”


Brief | 19 August 2019

Coastal Bylaw intends to push back Beachfront property spread

But draft criticised for draconian measures such as outlawing foul language


News | 19 August 2019

Women neighbourhood watch members lead crime fighting in “most dangerous” communities

“We decided that we couldn’t depend on the police to do everything”


News | 19 August 2019

Disaster fund needed to clean KZN river spill

1,6 million litres of fatty oils and caustic soda poured out of Willowton Oil into the Msundusi River on Tuesday leaving a trail of destruction


News | 18 August 2019

Mom loses court case but scores a bigger victory for Eastern Cape patients

Supreme Court of Appeal has called on health minister Zweli Mkhize to “urgently address” the dire situation at government hospitals in the Eastern Cape


Law | 16 August 2019

Former mine workers march to Parliament on Marikana day

Unpaid Benefits Campaign say it can prove workers are owed money


Brief | 16 August 2019

Traffic information employees unpaid for eight months

Department of Transport’s Road Traffic Management Corporation in legal wrangle with private company Tasima over insourcing employees


News | 16 August 2019

Cape Town municipality knew Site B could be sold for more but chose to sell quickly instead

Forensic investigation clears City of wrongdoing but nevertheless raises troubling questions


News | 16 August 2019

MyCiTi suspension on N2 hits commuters hard

Khayelitsha commuters are battling with transport costs


News | 16 August 2019

A lifetime without an ID document

Thoko Nzimande is 63 and she has never had an identity document


Brief | 16 August 2019

South African players on international draughts stage

Landikhaya Makeleni of KwaNobuhle hopes to challenge world champion Lubabalo Kondlo of New Brighton


Brief | 16 August 2019

Prayer meeting held for shot teenager

Sinazo Kleinbooi, 14, was shot and killed on her way home from school


Brief | 15 August 2019

Eastern Cape villagers demand municipality fix their roads

Over 200 residents march to Intsika Yethu Municipality


Brief | 15 August 2019