
Dams empty in Eastern Cape

The Gcuwa and all dams supplying Butterworth and surrounding areas are dry


Brief | 14 November 2019

RDP houses not connected to electricity or water for a year

Musina municipality says it has been waiting for funds from the Department of Energy


Brief | 14 November 2019

Open manhole is an accident waiting to happen

A drain in Uitenhage has stood uncovered for two months, say residents


Brief | 13 November 2019

Burst water pipe left for three weeks in Port Elizabeth

“People come and wash their cars here while we suffer in my house,” says elderly resident


Brief | 7 November 2019

Villagers without drinking water blame government, not the drought

Pipes installed in Dutywa villages in 2008 have never had water


Brief | 30 October 2019

Uitenhage gogo given the run-around over water leak

“Instead of explaining yet again, I broke down and cried”


News | 29 October 2019

Land occupation named after Mayor Bobani erupts in protests

“He said we can rebuild our shacks and live here. He promised to give us toilets, water and electricity”


News | 29 October 2019

Cape Town residents battle spring floods

Deluge of rain over weekend leaves shacks and roads waterlogged

By , and

Brief | 28 October 2019

Over 1,000 villagers without tap water for three months

Ncorha Bulk Water Project will only be completed at the end of 2020.


News | 22 October 2019

Twelve Tshikota residents arrested in water protests

Case postponed to 15 November 2019


Brief | 21 October 2019

Khayelitsha land occupation grows under cover of darkness

About 400 families now live in Zweledinga says community leader


Brief | 17 October 2019

Tshikota residents block roads, demand reliable water supply

“During election period we had constant water supply”


Brief | 15 October 2019

Four years later, no sign of water in these Pietermaritzburg taps

Maqongqo water project has never worked and the municipality has again broken its promise to fix the situation


Brief | 15 October 2019

Water meters make life harder for poor people, say Ceres residents

Witzenberg Municipality’s installation plan hits opposition


News | 15 October 2019

Threat of drought looms over Queenstown

Some residents are already only getting water for an hour a day


News | 3 October 2019

Dwindling water supply could lead to “job blood-bath” says Business Chamber

Nelson Mandela Bay Municipality dams at 36%


Brief | 30 September 2019