Police brutality

Parliament rebukes SAPS for poor discipline as watchdog probes 794 killings by police

But Parliament has failed to enforce its recommendations in the past


News | 25 May 2021

Yes, Minister Cele, we did do our homework

Police minister brushes off Viewfinder’s devastating findings on police brutality


Opinion | 18 May 2021

How SAPS protects the killers within its ranks

Every year, police in South Africa kill hundreds of people and are accused of brutalising thousands more.


News | 11 May 2021

Bystander killed in Wits student protests

Protesters proceeded to Empire Road and blocked traffic in Johannesburg


News | 10 March 2021

Victim of metro police violence still waiting for a new wheelchair

Zwelenkosi Ngidi’s wheelchair was broken in November last year


Brief | 2 February 2021

Police officers accused of assault barred from community by angry residents

The officers allegedly beat up a 20-year-old for breaking curfew regulations


News | 20 January 2021

Covid-19: Cookhouse police accused of beatings during curfew

A 20-year-old says he were punched and kicked outside his mother's house


News | 12 January 2021

Police officers caught on video throwing disabled man out of his wheelchair

Zwelenkosi Ngidi had gone to Cape Town police to find out about arrested community leaders


News | 20 November 2020

IPID investigating after police accused of assaulting woman

The woman says that officers in Philippi threatened to kill her and her family if they spoke out about the incident


News | 20 November 2020

A Philippi woman lost her eye when police fired into her yard. Seven months later, no one held responsible

Siyasanga Gijana believes IPID is not serious about finding the culprits


News | 13 November 2020

Eastern Cape man claims he was shot by police after a car chase

IPID confirms investigation


Brief | 20 October 2020

Draft bill will not solve police brutality

Killing of “mentally unstable” Tshepiso Adoons highlights failings


Analysis | 7 October 2020

Police are not being held accountable for child killings, watchdog records reveal

39 children died at the hands of police or in custody between April 2012 and March 2018


Feature | 7 September 2020

Court finds JHB “clean up” “cruel, humiliating, degrading and invasive”

Police raids in 2017/18 were unconstitutional and done with ulterior motives


News | 3 July 2020