Late judgments

Over 180 judgments outstanding for longer than six months

Reserved judgment list is almost six months old and records the highest number of late judgments since we’ve begun reporting the situation


Law | 7 June 2023

Late judgments are undermining confidence in judges. Here’s how to fix this

The Chief Justice must act with urgency


GroundView | 25 May 2023

One year later and still no judgment in urgent case about access to medicine

Judge Colleen Collis reserved judgment in April 2022 in a matter between Bayer and Clicks


News | 24 May 2023

Judicial Conduct Committee split over action against two judges

The judges were late delivering numerous judgments and now face disciplinary hearings


Law | 30 April 2023

Crackdown on judges for late judgments

JSC asks president to suspend Judges Tshifhiwa Maumela and Nomonde Mngqibisa-Thusi


News | 28 April 2023

Chief Justice’s office stonewalls requests for reports on late judgments

The last available report is for 31 December 2021


News | 26 April 2023

This judge has not delivered his judgment after ten years. No action has been taken against him

Office of the Chief Justice says the matter was referred to the Judicial Conduct Committee. But the Judicial Service Commission says it has not received any complaints.


News | 17 November 2022

Gauteng judge reported to Judicial Service Commission

Judge Mngqibisa-Thusi has not yet delivered a judgment she reserved in February 2021


Brief | 6 October 2022

No explanation for why a judge has taken 19 months to rule in vital court matter

Judge Nomonde Mngqibisa-Thusi of the Gauteng High Court reserved judgment in February 2021


News | 22 September 2022

More than 150 judgments outstanding for more than six months – most recent report

But even the late judgments report appears to be late


News | 20 September 2022

It’s been 15 months since the Cape High Court reserved judgment in this “emergency” housing case

The Office of the Chief Justice and Judge President John Hlophe are silent on why Acting Judge Bernard Martin has taken so long to hand down his ruling


Law | 16 May 2022

Tardy courts: Nearly 100 judgments outstanding for more than six months

The Constitutional Court which should be setting an example had seven late judgments at the end of June


News | 1 October 2021

Judges told to apologise for taking too long over judgments

“We are unanimous that the gravity of their misconduct demands that we impose a sanction,” says Judicial Services Commission


Law | 18 January 2021

Supreme Court tears into KZN judge

Four-year delay in delivering judgment was “an unconscionable dereliction of duty”


Law | 9 December 2020

Late judgments: Is the Cape High Court doing better?

Something troubling has shaken our confidence in the data


Law | 1 October 2020

Concourt efficiency is declining

Average time for judgment takes over six months now compared to less than four months in 2017


Law | 17 August 2020