
180,000 Zimbabweans face deportation as permit deadline looms

Applying for a work permit is difficult and many have given up


News | 10 June 2022

High Court finds spousal visa rules unconstitutional

Foreign parents of South African children should be allowed to remain in the country even if their relationship with their spouse ends


Law | 9 June 2022

Young woman’s dream of becoming an architect crushed in her battle to get asylum

Home Affairs mum on future of stateless and undocumented children living in South Africa


News | 9 June 2022

Refugees are camping outside the UN offices in Pretoria. Here’s why

Most want to be repatriated to a third country, but authorities say this is impossible


News | 30 May 2022

Home Affairs’ refugee office to re-open in Cape Town, ten years after it was closed

The closure meant refugees could only apply for asylum in Durban, Musina, Gqeberha or Pretoria


News | 26 May 2022

One week left to comment on South Africa’s new labour migration policy

Government paints the policy as forward-looking, but can it be enforced and how will it affect the lives of immigrants?


Analysis | 23 May 2022

Dozens turned away as refugee office reopens after two years

Even people with valid appointments were told to return on Wednesday

By and

News | 3 May 2022

Immigrants fear kidnappers in the Eastern Cape

Hawks say they are investigating 14 cases


News | 3 May 2022

“I prayed for them to let me live” says Zimbabwean truck driver

Immigrant truck drivers say they live and work in fear of being attacked by people claiming to be part of xenophobic groups


News | 25 April 2022

Home Affairs to open refugee offices after two-year closure

Since 26 March 2020 there has been no way for refugees to apply for asylum


Brief | 21 April 2022

Terrified Zimbabweans are sending their possessions home

Cross-border bus companies say they are seeing fewer passengers but a huge increase in the amount of luggage


News | 20 April 2022

Zimbabweans live in fear of vigilantes in Diepsloot

Meanwhile police conduct searches for undocumented immigrants


News | 11 April 2022

Operation Dudula members march through Durban’s city centre

The launch of the movement in Durban comes as President Ramaphosa cautions against “deeply disturbing” acts against immigrants


News | 11 April 2022

Shambolic Home Affairs leaves immigrants who are legally in the country undocumented

Since lockdown asylum seekers and refugees have been denied crucial services


News | 4 April 2022

Protest against xenophobia goes ahead after court overturns ban

Marchers call for Minister of Home Affairs Aaron Motsoaledi to step down


News | 26 March 2022

Children of immigrants excluded from tertiary education

Many young people who have grown up in South Africa miss out on university because bursary schemes are for citizens and permanent residents only


News | 15 March 2022