Climate change

TotalEnergies will destroy our livelihoods say small scale fishers

South African fishers joined a picket outside the company’s AGM in France last week


Brief | 31 May 2024

Which party promises the best climate strategy?

The EFF has the most comprehensive policy but it is not a good one


Opinion | 27 May 2024

Sasol makes the world CO2 emissions blacklist

The company is among 57 companies in the world responsible for 80% of carbon dioxide emissions


News | 17 April 2024

We must reject the government’s dirty energy plans

This year’s Integrated Resources Plan is horrifying

By , , , and

Opinion | 20 March 2024

Climate activists refuse to be silenced by arrests

Pickets outside Standard Bank will continue, says Extinction Rebellion


Brief | 13 March 2024

Volunteers collect data to mitigate effects of global heating in Tshwane

About 16 local citizen scientists, led by members of Planact, have mapped the temperatures in several parts of Pretoria


News | 8 March 2024

Farmers put on alert as El Niño takes effect

The South African Weather Service warns of possibly hot and dry summer ahead


Science | 25 October 2023

Here’s how the Western Cape can prepare better for weather like we had in September

Climate change may bring more variable weather but we can reduce the risk of disasters


Science | 23 October 2023

Climate activists demand action at BRICS talks

Hundreds protest in Sandton where summit is underway


News | 23 August 2023

UK’s Jim Skea elected chair of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change

The IPCC is one of the most important bodies tackling climate change


Brief | 27 July 2023

Small farmers in the Cederberg still reeling from flood damage

Provincial department wants the area to be declared a disaster zone


News | 21 July 2023

Climate activists disrupt Standard Bank AGM

About 200 people picketed at the bank’s head office to demand it stop investing in fossil fuels


News | 12 June 2023

Petroleum bill is blind to the climate crisis

Petroleum resources development bill is “fatally flawed” and should be rejected, says the writer


Opinion | 5 June 2023

Climate change almost doubles the risk of wildfires in Cape Town, study shows

Fire Weather Index prior to 2021 UCT fire was highest ever recorded during autumn in Cape Town.


News | 6 March 2023

Action needed to reduce Cape Town’s water usage, says expert

Dam levels are set to fall below 50% in March. This time last year they were 80% full


News | 21 February 2023

“Total madness”: Fishers protest against ocean drilling

TotalEnergies plans to drill for oil and gas between Mossel Bay and Cape St Francis


Brief | 9 February 2023