Criminal record of health protesters cleared

Record expunged four years after court set aside convictions


Brief | 18 February 2020

Home Affairs blocked my ID, says Free State man

Nathi Lepelesana used his ID to vote in SA elections. Now he’s been told he’s a Lesotho citizen


News | 20 January 2020

Komape family awarded R1.4 million for emotional shock and grief

Supreme Court of Appeal overturns Limpopo High Court decision


Law | 18 December 2019

Understanding the SCA’s freedom of expression judgment

“The legislature may well have wanted to regulate hate speech as broadly as possible, but it has not done so with the necessary precision” explains Judge Navsa


Law | 2 December 2019

Court upholds right of farm residents to bury their loved ones

SCA rules protecting an occupier’s religious and cultural rights is consistent with treating them with respect and dignity


Law | 21 August 2019

Condemning Israel is not hate speech, Appeal Court finds

Finding against COSATU’s Bongani Masuku overturned


Law | 6 December 2018

Appeal Court strikes down infamous locomotive contract

Former CEO Lucky Montana misled PRASA board, says court


Law | 4 December 2018

R12 million flower festival for Parys

Controversy over how the benefits will be spread


News | 24 November 2017

Free State’s R380 million ghost hospital

Albert Nzula Hospital stands almost empty after two years


Feature | 6 December 2016

Victory for right to protest

Convictions of 94 Free State health workers set aside


Law | 18 November 2016

No jobs for newly qualified nurses

Free State Health Department fails to respond to numerous requests for comment


News | 23 May 2016