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Questions that contain: uif

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What can I do if my UIF maternity benefits still haven't been paid over a year since I applied?

You should lay a complaint with the UIF. If they don't help, you can escalate your complaint to the call centre at 0800 030 007.

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What should I do if the company I worked for refuses to release my UI-19 form?

You can report them to the labour department.

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Can I be paid my UIF and SASSA pension while also getting money from my old job?

Yes, but SASSA grants are means tested, and UIF and pension benefits count as income, so your grant will be less.

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Why won't the UIF and pension fund pay my wife's money into her Mukuru Bank account?

They may have a specific reason, so you'll need to ask them. If they won't help, you can lay a complaint.

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I was a child when my mother died three years ago. How can I get a duplicate of her ID and report her death to the Masters Office?

If you have something with her ID number on, go to Home Affairs and ask them to help you with the ID. You can report her death by lodging a completed death notice.

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Can the child of a deceased domestic worker claim money from their parent's employer if no pension was paid out?

There is no law compelling employers of domestic workers to provide a pension, but they do need to register the worker for UIF.

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How can I apply for a disability grant if I cannot get to the SASSA office?

You can ask a family member or friend to apply on your behalf. They must take a letter from you and a doctor's note saying why you can't visit the office yourself.

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How does payment work if you have been medically boarded?

If you are registered with an insurance policy or provident fund that provides disability benefits, you can submit a claim for a monthly stipend.

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What does a ZEP holder need to claim UIF?

To apply for UIF as a foreign national, you need your passport and completed forms U1-28 and U1-19.

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What happens to my UIF and provident fund if the company I work for is liquidated?

Your UIF and provident fund money should be unaffected. How you left the company affects whether you can claim your money now.

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