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Answers to your questions

Have a question you would like answered? Email us and we may answer it. The questions here are based on ones from our readers, with identifying information removed.

I am an asylum seeker. Can I apply for permanent residence?

The Constitutional Court ruled in October 2018 that a blanket ban on asylum seekers applying for temporary or permanent residence visas was not justified.

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My father was a police officer who died on duty. Can I claim any money?

As a SAPS member, he should have been a member of the Government Employees Pension Fund, and his wife or partner and children would be entitled to benefits after his death.

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How do I apply for a house in the Conradie Better Living Model project?

You can apply online.

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Our bosses drive the best cars but pay us less than R20 per hour and don't contribute to UIF. What can we do?

You can join a union and insist on your rights under the law.

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I am being pursued and threatened for debt on my child's school fees that I cannot pay. What are my options?

You have a legal right to a statement of the amount owed and how it was calculated. It is also possible to ask for a discount on the collection fees and apparently this is often granted.

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How do I renew my asylum papers?

There is no short answer to this question

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I am in a wheelchair. How can I get an RDP house?

Disabled people are supposed to be given priority for RDP houses and the houses are also supposed to be adapted to their needs.

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We are behind on the rent and just got an eviction order. What can we do?

The landlord must follow the steps in the Prevention of Illegal Eviction Act.

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How do I go about claiming my provident fund from work?

Most provident funds say you must remain a member of the fund as long as you are employed by the employer participating in the fund.

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How do I get an ID? I have applied twice to Home Affairs, but so far have not received one.

Home Affairs now has a system where you can check the status of your application by SMS.

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