
Can the vaccine rollout be sped up?

There are several bottlenecks that need to be fixed

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Analysis | 7 June 2021

South Africa’s vaccine rollout needs a boost

The number of vaccinations is far below the number of vaccine doses in the country. The available vaccines need to be used urgently.

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Analysis | 27 May 2021

Why should South Africans care about Israel’s apartheid?

“We recognise apartheid when we see it” say South African Jews

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Analysis | 21 May 2021

Western Cape’s housing policy open for public comment

The province has set out guidelines for its municipalities


Analysis | 20 May 2021

Ten years after Andries Tatane was killed, police misuse of rubber bullets is still unchecked

The cases we know about are likely far outnumbered by those we don’t


Analysis | 13 April 2021

Executive who saved PRASA billions has been fired

Dismissal of three executives on spurious grounds is a setback against the fight against corruption


Analysis | 2 February 2021

Is Shamila Batohi winning the battle to fix the NPA?

Results so far have been disappointing but there is hope


Analysis | 3 November 2020

Draft bill will not solve police brutality

Killing of “mentally unstable” Tshepiso Adoons highlights failings


Analysis | 7 October 2020

How well has South Africa done at reducing Covid deaths?

The answer may surprise you

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Analysis | 18 August 2020

Parliament failed to vet Cele’s nomination for IPID head

Does Jennifer Ntlatseng have what it takes to run the police watchdog?


Analysis | 21 July 2020

Who is responsible for government’s failure to deliver?

Food and social grant commitments have fallen woefully short


Analysis | 3 July 2020