
Unprotected strike leaves foul stench, piles of refuse across Mamelodi

Waste collection teams are being escorted by metro police in some areas amid violent threats by strikers


Brief | 31 August 2023

Land for relocation of railway line occupiers to be assessed within two weeks

SCOPA chair tells ministers and mayor to get on with it


Brief | 29 August 2023

Spat over top appointment in Makhado municipality

Unions accuse council of trying to appoint person who came second in interview process to CFO position


Brief | 29 August 2023

Cape Town lawyer back on trial for malicious damage to property

Charges against attorney Gary Trappler have been reinstated after CCTV footage came to light


Brief | 28 August 2023

Uyinene Mrwetyana’s family want Post Office transformed into “a place of healing”

Hundreds marched to the Clareinch post office in Claremont to commemorate four years since her rape and murder


Brief | 28 August 2023

Streets in Durban township are covered in sewage

Ward councillor blames frequent sewerage blockages on residents throwing rubbish into the drains


Brief | 28 August 2023

Mitchells Plain ward councillor accused of sidelining unemployed youths

The councillor says jobs are randomised by the Expanded Public Works Programme office and “no politician or councillor has influence in the process”


Brief | 23 August 2023

Zimbabweans at Beitbridge border sceptical about elections

Waste of money travelling to Zimbabwe to cast vote, says one woman


Brief | 23 August 2023

Protest over poor service at Khayelitsha Home Affairs

About 100 people marched in the rain under the banner of #UniteBehind


Brief | 22 August 2023

Madibeng protesters travel 60km to complain to mayor

They are demanding consistent and clean drinking water as well as electricity


Brief | 22 August 2023

Over 800 households near Durban without tap water for eight years

Water tanks are only filled twice a month and people have to fetch water from a river


Brief | 22 August 2023

Langa’s cramped sewing school needs more space

The Sinakho Skills Development Centre and Entrepreneurship Training Academy


Brief | 21 August 2023

Woman injured in roof collapse in Thohoyandou centre

Municipality in Limpopo says it warned the building owner to renovate


Brief | 16 August 2023

Dozens of families still homeless a month after Durban shack fire

While waiting for building material, fire victims have been living in the community hall or with neighbours


Brief | 15 August 2023

Shack dwellers look to renewable energy to power informal settlements

A group of organisations have created successful small projects, but now they want to aim bigger


Brief | 15 August 2023

Dunoon women spend their public holiday cleaning up other people’s rubbish

Garbage has been piling up in Dunoon for more than a month


Brief | 14 August 2023