The street lights on Lansdowne in Khayelitsha have not worked for years. After noticing a long portion of Lansdowne Road without working street lights, I interviewed people who walk along the road.
Nokubonga Yawa
News | 20 June 2012
A document called "Perils and Pitfalls – Migrants and Deportations in South Africa," recently released by People Against Suffering and Oppression, explains how the rights of refugees, children and black South Africans are infringed and abused.
By Tariro Washinyira
News | 20 June 2012
This is a speech given by Doron Isaacs, director of Equal Education, at an Ndifuna Ukwazi seminar on 16 June.
Doron Isaacs
Opinion | 20 June 2012
Leo Mbobi tells of his struggle to get his ill brother treated for HIV.
Leo Mbobi
Opinion | 20 June 2012
Marcus Low reviews a new documentary about the work of Sonke Gender Justice, You Can't Just Fold Your Arms.
Marcus Low
Opinion | 20 June 2012
The right to education will not be realised as long as there is such massive inequality between schools across the world.
Morgan Dzakowic
Opinion | 20 June 2012
There have been many media reports of shortages of medicines to treat AIDS over the last few weeks. But the medicine shortages go beyond antiretrovirals and there are even shortages of vaccines.
Mary-Jane Matsolo
News | 20 June 2012
A group of activists from the Treatment Action Campaign (TAC) ran the Comrades Marathon on Sunday 4 June.
Veronica Washaya and Janine Fortuin
News | 12 June 2012
COSATU is facing an unprecedented onslaught. Is the federation, as Helen Zille claims, ‘the main roadblock in the road to job creation and redress’? And would ‘lowering the cost of employment’ be the ‘biggest single step towards solving the unemployment problem’?
Ilan Strauss and Doron Isaacs
Opinion | 12 June 2012
Over this past week, the National Union of Metalworkers congress has again put both nationalisation and the Freedom Charter firmly onto the political agenda.
Terry Bell
News | 8 June 2012
Desmond Tutu HIV Centre ran a workshop on sex workers for health-care workers on Wednesday at Groote Schuur Hospital.
Nokubonga Yawa
News | 7 June 2012
The spotlight was on gangsterism in the Western Cape again on Tuesday when community safety MEC Dan Plato and conflict resolution practitioner Irvin Kinnes held a public dialogue on the issue.
Mary-Anne Gontsana
News | 7 June 2012
Western Cape Northern Line Metro Rail commuters found themselves in a transport commotion last week. Police were alerted on Thursday morning shortly before 7am of a possible bomb between Parow and Tygerberg Stations.
Tariro Washinyira
News | 5 June 2012
Many matters of national and regional importance have been neglected in the past two weeks, submerged beneath the fuss and furore caused by the charade surrounding the satirical Spear painting.
Terry Bell
News | 4 June 2012
People protesting over the lack of access to electricity put rocks across Lansdowne Road today, cutting the road off to traffic. This resulted in long queues at bus stations.
News | 4 June 2012
Patrons showed their talents at the Zula Sound Bar in Long Street on Wednesday evening.
Nokubonga Yawa
News | 4 June 2012
This letter is to the City officials: I've read through the article. Nowhere does it state what … Read more
We got to this clinic so early and the queue wasn't that long. The nurses here have a bad reputatio… Read more
YCH received approval for all their housing schemes from both Provincial Government and the SHRA. T… Read more
To the Mayor of Cape Town You say the City works for you. People gets evicted every day in this … Read more
Imagine. In mid-January 2024 I was travelling back from Cape Town. We stopped at Matjiesfontein and… Read more