On the 15th of March Jared Sacks, a journalist and activist, published an article in the Mail & Guardian asking whether or not Steve Biko, the Steve Biko of 1977, would have supported Mamphele Ramphele’s recent political initiative. Some people, including people who had been close to Biko, really liked the piece. Others, including the well-known public commentator Andile Mngxitama, didn’t like it at all.
Zackie Achmat and Richard Pithouse
Opinion | 27 March 2013
Khayelitsha’s popular coffee shop, the Department of Coffee (DOC), was burgled in the early hours of Saturday morning.
Mary-Anne Gontsana
News | 26 March 2013
"[W]henever we see that little white bastard called Jared Sacks we must beat the shit out of him ... " This was written by well-known journalist and black-consciousness writer, Andile Mngxitama, on his Facebook page.
Nathan Geffen
News | 25 March 2013
Last night Equal Education held a public hearing in Cape Town to address the Minister of Basic Education's draft document on the minimum norms and standards for schools. The organisation believes Minister Angie Motshekga's draft is unsatisfactory.
Fergus Turner
News | 21 March 2013
Andile Duvane was electrocuted on Wednesday 13 March while playing soccer with his friends. He stepped on open electrical wires outside Metrorail's substation at the RR section in Khayelitsha.
Mary-jane Matsolo
News | 20 March 2013
The Social Justice Coalition (SJC) is demanding access to information on service delivery agreements in Khayelitsha.This follows the breakdown of some outdoor toilets which the organisation fears is a result of the service delivery organisation contracted by the City failing to do its job.
Mary-Anne Gontsana
News | 20 March 2013
For the past three years, education activist organisation, Equal Education, has been campaigning for the adoption of a policy called the Minimum Norms and Standards for School Infrastructure.
Nokubonga Yawa
Brief | 20 March 2013
A centre in Hanover Park is helping gangsters turn their lives around.
Margo Fortune
News | 20 March 2013
South Africa’s annual wage bargaining — some say, strike — season has begun. In a
series of conferences this week, the various sides got together to decide on their
strategies and to plan the tactics they intend to follow as the hard talking gets
Terry Bell
Opinion | 20 March 2013
Dino Ndlovu, the 23-year-old striker from Klerksdorp, will play for Bafana Bafana on Saturday in their crucial World Cup qualifying game against the Central African Republic at the Cape Town stadium.
Margo Fortune
News | 20 March 2013
This is an edited version of remarks made by Doron Isaacs at an event hosted by the UCT Palestine Solidarity Forum for Israel Apartheid Week 2013. The other panelists, who spoke prior to Isaacs, were Professor Andrew Nash and Mbuyiseni Ndlozi.
Doron Isaacs
Opinion | 15 March 2013
The South African workforce is composed of all the people who are either working or available to work and are actively seeking work. Not everyone of working age participates in the work force. In South Africa the overall percentage of the working age population that participates in the work force is about 62%.
Issa Saunders
News | 13 March 2013
It was International Women’s Day (IWD) on Friday. And it seemed an appropriate
time for a reminder about the labour movement origins of the day and of its noble
aims and egalitarian promise. This because several recent studies reveal that the
female half of humanity is once again bearing the brunt of the global economic crisis.
After all, when it began in 1910, IWD was rich with the promise of equality.
Terry Bell
Opinion | 13 March 2013
In this year’s budget speech, Finance Minister Pravin Gordhan mentioned that allocations for employment programs would increase by 13.5 per cent a year for the next three years. Unemployment has always been a challenge for South Africans, but it is even harder for immigrants who flee their countries to look for employment here.
Mary-Anne Gontsana
News | 13 March 2013
The Expanded Public Works Programme aims to create millions of short-term jobs every year while also providing the county with much needed infrastructure such as roads, hospitals and schools in areas that need it.
Amelia Midgley
Opinion | 13 March 2013
Launched in October 2012, KhayeNet is the latest project of the first mobile community network that deals with disseminating health related information to the community of Khayelitsha. This pilot project aims to improve communication between the public and the health sector.
Mary-Jane Matsolo
News | 13 March 2013
Imagine. In mid-January 2024 I was travelling back from Cape Town. We stopped at Matjiesfontein and… Read more
Comparing to other countries, South Africa is far, far beyond their rail transport improvement. It… Read more
We've seen that plan almost everywhere across the Stellenbosch area. For me myself it's not new but… Read more
Typical culture of non-payment and then criticise, complain and make demands for the problems they … Read more
Thanks again to the ultrapoor governance by the ANC, this is a loss that is actually quite easily r… Read more