sex work

Many sex workers are battling to get vaccinated

Those who do not have identity documents cannot be registered on the government’s computer system


Brief | 24 August 2021

Sex workers march in Johannesburg calling for decriminalisation

Protesters also want safe spaces for women in the city


News | 28 May 2021

Covid-19 curfew and alcohol ban leave sex workers battling

“In our line of work business thrives during the night”


News | 26 January 2021

Sex work activists demand answers from Human Rights Commission

They claim that a complaint lodged in August about sex worker Robyn Montsumi who died in police custody has gone unanswered


Brief | 11 December 2020

Human Rights Commission under fire for 7-month silence on sex worker death in custody

“Unfortunately democracy is only for certain people – not for sex workers” says activist


News | 28 October 2020

Level one lockdown disappoints sex workers

Accusations of police and criminal harassment, but police give a different story


News | 5 October 2020

Artist hopes portrait will haunt police

A life-sized portrait has been placed near the police station where a sex worker died in custody


Brief | 24 September 2020

Questions for a sex worker

Constance Mathe explains why she believes her work should not be criminalised


Video | 28 July 2020

Covid-19: Sex workers accuse police of beating people on the street

“Much as I am afraid of Covid-19 … I need the money”


News | 2 April 2020

Covid-19: Some sex workers move online as SA heads into lockdown

SWEAT and Sonke call for fast-tracking of law reform and decriminalisation of sex work


Brief | 27 March 2020

Report finds shocking violence against sex workers

101 female sex workers, some of them transwomen, died in the 2018/19 year. Half of them were murdered, says SWEAT report


News | 6 March 2020

The difficult life of Marikana sex workers

Working on an open plot, the women are often raped or robbed


News | 18 November 2019

Toddlers abandoned in room for almost five days

Unclear why authorities took long to respond

By and

News | 15 November 2019

“Proud to be trans, proud to be sex workers, and even prouder of their stunning sense of style”

Trans women sex workers collective Sistaazhood launches photo book


News | 12 August 2019

Sex workers speak of rape, corruption and harassment by police

Human Rights Watch calls for decriminalisation


News | 12 August 2019

Sex workers thank Ramaphosa

President had promised to safeguard their human rights


News | 5 June 2019