Upington death in custody raises questions
Feature | 9 November 2021
Court found it “shocking” that officer had been given a firearm despite failing shooting tests and being “consistently incompetent”
Law | 9 November 2021
Residents of one of Cape Town’s largest townships demand better cops
Brief | 28 October 2021
Case arises out of “degrading and invasive” raids on “poor and vulnerable” communities in downtown Johannesburg
Law | 25 October 2021
“My son died for something he knew nothing about” says father
News | 27 September 2021
Report says ratio of civilians killed by police to police killed on duty in South Africa, about 13 to one, is a cause for concern
Analysis | 26 August 2021
Law enforcement removes people living near the Green Point Tennis Courts
News | 25 August 2021
Two family members and the pet dog shot with rubber bullets
News | 4 August 2021
Sitole told Parliament that an “independent” discipline unit needs to be established
News | 1 June 2021
But Parliament has failed to enforce its recommendations in the past
News | 25 May 2021
Police minister brushes off Viewfinder’s devastating findings on police brutality
Opinion | 18 May 2021
Every year, police in South Africa kill hundreds of people and are accused of brutalising thousands more.
News | 11 May 2021
Protesters proceeded to Empire Road and blocked traffic in Johannesburg
News | 10 March 2021
Zwelenkosi Ngidi’s wheelchair was broken in November last year
By Vincent Lali
Brief | 2 February 2021