
Kimberley businesses furious with multinational diamond mining company

They accuse Petra Diamonds of overlooking them for all but small contracts


News | 8 April 2016

Assassinated anti-mining activist knew his life was in danger

Struggle against mining in Xolobeni will continue, promises Nonhle Mbuthuma


Feature | 29 March 2016

Leaders battle over community’s R26 billion wealth

The fight for the soul of the Bakgatla Ba-Kgafela


Opinion | 14 March 2016

Alternative Mining Indaba: a response to Christopher Rutledge

The recent flurry of post Alternative Mining Indaba (AMI) articles have had their moment of fame until next year, but the discussion is welcomed as it raises at least two valid points – raised by others over the recent past. One persistent criticism is that of the diminished voices at the Alternative Mining Indaba. The mining communities are the centre of work and we note that, as we write, the people of Xolobeni are waging a life and death struggle against the mining-energy–industrial complex. Sadly, this situation has been fuelled by the deliberately inept Department of Mineral Resources (DMR).

By and

Right to reply | 23 February 2016

Community voices muted at Alternative Mining Indaba

By giving corporations a bigger stake, the people affected by mining are being marginalised


Opinion | 18 February 2016

Wild Coast battle to save land from mining

We will die for our land, say angry Xolobeni villagers as dune mining looms

Text by Tariro Washinyira. Photos by Paul Botes (with permission of the Mail & Guardian)

News | 12 February 2016

Court case exposes violence in Wild Coast mining dispute

Four men accused of assaulting residents of the Amadiba coastal area were released on R2,000 bail each yesterday at the Mbizana Magistrates’ Court.


News | 12 January 2016

Mining company “lied” to its shareholders

Representatives of the Amadiba community in the Eastern Cape have accused Australian company Mineral Commodities, part owner of the Tormin mine on the West Coast, of lying to its shareholders.

GroundUp Staff with AmaBhungane

News | 6 November 2015

Marikana: a wake-up call still ignored

Four days after the bloodletting that has become known as the Marikana massacre, this column supported the call for a comprehensive and independent inquiry. And it noted, reflecting a widespread view within the labour movement: “The Lonmin tragedy is a wake-up call that South Africa will ignore at its peril.”

Terry Bell

Opinion | 20 August 2013