
Judge Makhubele backs down from fight with JSC

PRASA Judge will pay wasted costs


Brief | 14 December 2020

Rape Crisis picket at Khayelitsha court

Protesters demand proper facilities for sexual offences court


News | 10 December 2020

Court setback for Special Investigating Unit’s bid to recover money

The unit claimed that the state attorney had not done its job properly in a medical negligence case


Law | 10 December 2020

Concourt gives prison watchdog more independence

But the CEO of the Judicial Inspectorate for Correctional Services can still be disciplined by the Justice Department


Law | 7 December 2020

High Court suspends measures against asylum seekers

The provisions left many asylum seekers vulnerable to being deported to countries where they would face persecution or threats to their lives


Law | 2 December 2020

Judge in Woodstock eviction case concerned about “spatial apartheid”

Atlantis was going to be a hub, said Judge Sher, but now “people are stuck out there with great unemployment and social problems”


Law | 18 November 2020

Bromwell Street: Residents want emergency accommodation near city

City argued that providing social or temporary housing in the inner city would take time


Law | 17 November 2020

Appeal of Tafelberg judgment delayed

Cancellation of sale agreement between Western Cape government and the school that bought the property has not been finalised


News | 13 November 2020

Judge Makhubele is suspended … but still hearing cases

It is unclear why a judge facing impeachment was chosen to hear new matters concerning the executive


Law | 10 November 2020

92 cases struck from court roll in three months due to police inefficiency

“Dockets are disappearing in different police stations. Cases are just disappearing off the roll”


News | 22 October 2020

Gauteng court paralysis blamed on security breach

Parliament raises concerns about the Office of the Chief Justice


News | 14 October 2020

Desperate message from senior judge shows court system is breaking down

No telephones, no internet, no wifi, no emails and not enough judges. This is reportedly the current situation at the Pretoria High Court


Law | 9 October 2020

Court trashes corrupt Siyangena-PRASA contracts

Judges find company to be complicit in “impropriety and maladministration”


Law | 9 October 2020

Glebelands witness says accused showed him photos of victims

Defence lawyer accuses witness of trying to escape his own prosecution


News | 9 October 2020

Foster-care bill will bring relief to thousands

Long-awaited, it is expected to be passed next week


News | 7 October 2020

Late judgments: Is the Cape High Court doing better?

Something troubling has shaken our confidence in the data


Law | 1 October 2020