Namaqualand community raises the alarm over copper mining in their small town

The Department of Mineral Resources will visit Concordia in July to assess the mine’s compliance with dust mitigation and other issues


News | 26 June 2024

Remote Namaqualand diamond town battles dust and neglect

Mine told to fix the pollution problem


News | 9 May 2024

Alexkor vs Creecy in environment court battle

The state mining company is challenging an environmental compliance notice


News | 12 April 2024

Namaqualand communities call for moratorium on all new mining rights

People from Richtersveld, Concordia, Hondeklip Bay and other Northern Cape towns marched in Springbok on Human Rights Day


News | 22 March 2024

Hydrogen project splits Richtersveld community

A mega green hydrogen project and port development are planned for Boegoebaai

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Feature | 7 March 2024

Copper boom sparks conflict between mine and residents of Northern Cape town

We visited Concordia, where 29 people were arrested for protesting against a mine


Feature | 18 September 2023

Video: Kalahari project gives people back their sight

Removing cataracts is easy and inexpensive. Yet in some parts of South Africa thousands of people are waiting for surgery.

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Video | 6 September 2023

In photos: Namaqualand flowers bloom after rainy winter

Rainfall in national park has nearly doubled this year

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Photo Essay | 30 August 2023

Concern over teenage pregnancies and school dropouts in Northern Cape

Without enough community, family and school support, pregnant learners struggle to finish their schooling


News | 7 February 2023

School dropout crisis in Northern Cape municipality

Report finds that only half the learners who start primary school reach high school, and of these only 15% pass matric in the Joe Morolong Local Municipality


News | 24 January 2023

MEC must pay after child injured in drain acid “experiment”

Cleaner left acid unattended in school toilets while he went on lunch break


Law | 11 October 2022

Diver accuses Alexkor of more illegal rock dumping

And Green Scorpions find evidence that the company is defying a Compliance Notice on coffer dam construction


News | 22 March 2022

Video: South Africa’s new poaching problem

Over 1.5 million succulents have been removed from the wild in the past 3 years

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Video | 8 March 2022

Northern Cape’s rare succulents are being stolen for the international illegal market

Plant poaching is on the increase, say police

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Feature | 7 March 2022

Treasury to bail out Northern Cape municipality over unpaid workers

Court gives Eskom go-ahead to recoup R105 million


News | 21 January 2022

Alexkor facing criminal charges over Northern Cape mining operations

Environment department lays charges against state diamond miner over use of “coffer dams”


News | 19 January 2022