Controversial auditing firm appointed by Gauteng Department of Social Development

Department acknowledges that the appointment of Open Water, which also probed the Ace Magashule Free State housing scandal, was irregular

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News | 21 June 2024

Discovery Health says Road Accident Fund in breach of court order

In 2022 the High Court ruled that the fund could not withhold payments for past medical expenses covered by medical aids


Law | 20 June 2024

Constitutional Court refuses Home Affairs leave to appeal Zimbabwe permit decision

In June 2023 the Pretoria High Court ruled that the Zimbabwean Exemption Permit was unlawfully terminated


Brief | 19 June 2024

Youth take to their bikes to protest against mining companies

Youth Affected by Mining United in Action cycled the “Toxic Tour” to various mining companies’ offices in Johannesburg


Brief | 18 June 2024

Judge Mngqibisa-Thusi cleared of gross misconduct charges

But tribunal finds that it is gross negligence to fail to deliver 27 judgments within accepted time-frames


Law | 14 June 2024

New law proposed to stop SLAPP suits

The Centre for Applied Legal Studies and Right2Protest hope legislators will adopt it to protect journalists and activists


News | 12 June 2024

“Each time we try to get comfortable, the police come to demolish our home”

Families living in Lindokuhle Mnguni informal settlement in Johannesburg say they’re being harassed by police and AmaPanyaza


News | 11 June 2024

Money starts flowing at last to Gauteng care organisations

The Department of Social Development has been scrambling to comply with a court order

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News | 11 June 2024

Gauteng government funds new drug rehab while defunding existing ones

Clinix Foundation was approved for R11-million in funding in just three weeks

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News | 6 June 2024

Almost half of state-funded drug rehab beds in Gauteng under threat

Organisations are “under investigation” but have not been told why

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News | 5 June 2024

Boksburg families refuse to move to serviced sites

Give us houses, Ekurhuleni municipality told


News | 4 June 2024

Court orders Gauteng government to pay children’s homes subsidies by Friday afternoon

The order gives Epworth Children’s Homes and Bethany House Trust a “lifeline” until the end of September


Brief | 31 May 2024

Gauteng Department of Social Development misled court on reasons for funding delays

Auditor-General says it did not recommend changes to the funding process

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News | 30 May 2024

Eskom demands Evaton households pay for broken transformer

Residents have to each pay R6,000 over six months, otherwise they won’t be reconnected, says the power utility


News | 30 May 2024

Gauteng government bungles allocation of billions for non-profit organisations

Funding decisions were centralised supposedly to prevent corruption but it has caused catastrophic delays and mistakes

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News | 28 May 2024

Multi-million-rand drug rehabs under investigation by Gauteng government

Provincial department of social development has stopped funding 750 beds at Life Healthcare’s treatment centres

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News | 28 May 2024