Executive pay: the virus Elon Musk is exporting back to SA

The effects of the $45-billion pay package offered to the Tesla boss will be felt across the world

Ann Crotty for Just Share

Opinion | 20 June 2024

Learning from Israel’s past Gaza Strip invasions

“A political resolution that addresses the roots of the conflict is the only way to defend Israel’s borders and citizens” writes a former Israeli soldier


Analysis | 19 November 2023

African states urged to lobby International Criminal Court on Gaza

Southern African Litigation Centre says reports of war crimes must be probed


News | 16 October 2023

Cheetah spotted in Djibouti for the first time in over 30 years

Team headed by Cape Town researcher makes exciting discovery during a biodiversity survey


News | 3 August 2023

Much ado about magic mushrooms

Careful examination reveals there is not enough data


Science | 12 October 2022

Debunking the myth that Africa responded well to Covid

We should not let governments that failed to even count their dead off the hook

By and

Analysis | 5 September 2022

Scientists sound alarm on badly run medical studies

More than half of clinical trials analysed showed a high risk of bias. It was especially bad for drug and alcohol studies.


Science | 13 June 2022

An optimal vaccine strategy for middle-income countries

A mixture of Chinese-manufactured vaccines and mRNA booster may be the way to go


Analysis | 13 December 2021

Men should spend on average 50 minutes more a day on household duties, report finds

Only then would men do 50% of the unpaid care work


News | 17 June 2021

Africa has a higher death rate among critically ill Covid-19 patients than anywhere else

The death rate was 48% compared to the global average of 32%


Science | 21 May 2021

Funders of African health research are excluding Africans, say scientists

African scientists call on funders to “decolonise global health”


News | 15 April 2021

Covid-19: Cell phone study shows where infections take place

“Stop pussyfooting around funerals” says infectious disease professor


Science | 14 January 2021

AIDS victories show what we can do if we try

We can do the same for Covid-19 and other diseases


Opinion | 1 December 2020

Covid-19: The world’s unprecedented experiment

From this disaster we can emerge better


GroundView | 17 March 2020