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Topic: Housing  |  Show questions and answers for all topics

How can I transfer an RDP house into my child’s name, when I have a letter of authority?

You need to make sure the title deed is in your child's name.

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I live in my late father's RDP house. How do I transfer water and electricity bills to my name?

With the letter of authority, you can ask the municipality to transfer bills to your name

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How do I apply for a Breaking New Ground (BNG) house?

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Can my landlord increase the rent twice in four months?

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Can my mother sell my late father's house though it is not in her name?

If the house was in your father's name, here are some things you can do.

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How do I transfer ownership of an RDP house?

The first thing to check is that there is a title deed for the house.

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My dad passed away. How do I change the title deed of his house to my name?

Documents that you would probably need would include the title deed, your father’s will, his ID number and death certificate, plus a copy of your own ID.

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I bought an RDP house but the previous owner never gave me a title deed and he's disappeared. How do I get a title deed?

You would need to go in person to the Deeds Office with the erf number of the plot and the full name and/or ID number of the previous owner.

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How can I transfer my RDP application from one province to another?

Here's a suggestion about what you could do.

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My father in-law had a house but he died in 2016, while he was waiting for his title deed. What can we do to get the title deed?

The problem is that it is only the title deed that can prove that your father-in-law was the legal owner of the RDP house. The municipality should have his application though.

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