The short answer
Unfortunately, if your combined income exceeds the threshold, your application is unlikely to succeed, but you can appeal the decision.
The long answer
In terms of the old age grant, your wife must comply with the means test as well as you, to satisfy SASSA that your combined income as a married couple is not higher than the amount set. This applies whether you are married in community of property or not.
Similarly, even though your wife is under debt review, your income as a married couple exceeds the maximum married income threshold, which is currently R203,280 a year. That means that you will not qualify for a grant even though you are unemployed and older. This threshold value will likely increase in the new financial year, so it may be worth applying again later. You can read more about social grants on GroundUp’s social grants guide.
You can certainly appeal SASSA’s decision to the Minister of Social Development at the Department of Social Development within 90 days, giving written reasons why you disagree with SASSA’s decision. But I think it is unlikely that your appeal will succeed.
You can also contact SASSA at their toll-free number: 0800 60 10 11 or email SASSA at
Wishing you the best,
Answered on March 10, 2025, 1:06 p.m.
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