On Sunday 11 August, young people from different parts of Cape Town gathered together at Ragazzi Bar in Loop Street to celebrate women’s month.
Pharie Sefali
Brief | 14 August 2013
Free tickets to watch an intriguing international collaborative production.
Pharie Sefali
Brief | 7 August 2013
A riot broke out at Matthew Goniwe High School in Site B, Khayelitsha from about 1pm to 2pm this afternoon.
Pharie Sefali
Brief | 31 July 2013
Five years after violence marred the last elections, Zimbabweans are to take to the polls on the 31 July. The question is: will it be a free and fair election?
Nwabisa Pondoyi
Brief | 31 July 2013
Sex workers have been fighting to enjoy their right to dignity. For this to happen, they say, sex work has to be decriminalised. On the other hand, organisations opposed to human trafficking are also opposed to sex work. We spoke to representatives of both sides.
Nwabisa Pondoyi
Brief | 10 July 2013
Somalis marched to Parliament on 7 June in response to xenophobic violence against Somali refugees. About 500 people participated.
Tariro Washinyira
Brief | 12 June 2013
Gamat Abrahams of Athlone was one of seven men in their 20s arrested for possession of dagga on Friday night. They were sitting on the paving outside their homes when the police raided.
Margo Fortune
Brief | 27 March 2013
A memorial service was held in Khayelitsha stadium on 21 March for the victims of the Hex River bus accident on 15 March 2013.
Nokubonga Yawa
Brief | 27 March 2013
For the past three years, education activist organisation, Equal Education, has been campaigning for the adoption of a policy called the Minimum Norms and Standards for School Infrastructure.
Nokubonga Yawa
Brief | 20 March 2013
Should citizens be able to choose their MPs? This is the question that was posed by the "My vote counts" campaign yesterday evening at the Central Methodist Church in Greenmarket Square.
Nokubonga Yawa
Brief | 27 February 2013
BREAKING NEWS: This morning, residents of Crossroads protested and burned tyres in protest against a housing project.
GroundUp Staff
Brief | 23 January 2013
Getting a social grant is not for slackers. You have to be up early in the morning.
Margo Fortune
Brief | 16 January 2013
The Khayelitsha police stations held an event on 13 December to give Christmas presents to Soyisiso Nofemele's rape victims. He is currently serving eleven life sentences for raping twelve children, murdering one of them and abducting another. The victims are between two and nine years of age.
Mihle Pike
Brief | 19 December 2012
About 500 people gathered outside the Cape High Court last week Thursday opposing Minister of Police Nathi Mthetwa’s application to stop a Commission of Inquiry into policing in Khayelitsha from continuing.
Mary-Jane Matsolo
Brief | 19 December 2012
GroundUp TV produces documentary inserts based on individuals, groups or organisations based in your community. Our first series will feature people living in and around Richards Bay, Port Elizabeth and Cape Town. Watch the show on CTV Wednesdays at 19h45, 1KZN TV Wednesdays at 19h15, and Bay TV on Tuesdays at 18h15 starting 11 December.
GroundUp Editor
Brief | 5 December 2012
Right2Know held a candlelight vigil outside Parliament on 22 November in protest against the Protection of State Information Bill.
Kate Stegeman and GroundUp Staff
Brief | 28 November 2012