
Over 50,000 immigrants deported in 2010

A document called "Perils and Pitfalls – Migrants and Deportations in South Africa," recently released by People Against Suffering and Oppression, explains how the rights of refugees, children and black South Africans are infringed and abused.

By Tariro Washinyira

News | 20 June 2012

Medicine and vaccine shortages across country

There have been many media reports of shortages of medicines to treat AIDS over the last few weeks. But the medicine shortages go beyond antiretrovirals and there are even shortages of vaccines.

Mary-Jane Matsolo

News | 20 June 2012

HIV activists run Comrades Marathon

A group of activists from the Treatment Action Campaign (TAC) ran the Comrades Marathon on Sunday 4 June.

Veronica Washaya and Janine Fortuin

News | 12 June 2012

Of nationalisation, land grabs and vanguards

Over this past week, the National Union of Metalworkers congress has again put both nationalisation and the Freedom Charter firmly onto the political agenda.

Terry Bell

News | 8 June 2012

Training for health workers about sex workers

Desmond Tutu HIV Centre ran a workshop on sex workers for health-care workers on Wednesday at Groote Schuur Hospital.

Nokubonga Yawa

News | 7 June 2012

Public meeting on gangsterism in schools

The spotlight was on gangsterism in the Western Cape again on Tuesday when community safety MEC Dan Plato and conflict resolution practitioner Irvin Kinnes held a public dialogue on the issue.

Mary-Anne Gontsana

News | 7 June 2012

Bomb scares disrupt Metro commuter lines

Western Cape Northern Line Metro Rail commuters found themselves in a transport commotion last week. Police were alerted on Thursday morning shortly before 7am of a possible bomb between Parow and Tygerberg Stations.

Tariro Washinyira

News | 5 June 2012

The spearing of labour history

Many matters of national and regional importance have been neglected in the past two weeks, submerged beneath the fuss and furore caused by the charade surrounding the satirical Spear painting.

Terry Bell

News | 4 June 2012

Passengers in long queues after closure of Lansdowne Road

People protesting over the lack of access to electricity put rocks across Lansdowne Road today, cutting the road off to traffic. This resulted in long queues at bus stations.

News | 4 June 2012

Open stage at Zula Sound Bar, Long street.

Patrons showed their talents at the Zula Sound Bar in Long Street on Wednesday evening.

Nokubonga Yawa

News | 4 June 2012

Man on hunger strike in protest against vigilante killings

Nkwame Cedile, a Western Cape organiser for the Right2Know campaign, is fasting for nine days in protest against vigilante killings in Khayelitsha. He is calling his campaign 8+1.

Mary-Anne Gontsana

News | 31 May 2012

Angry Delft residents march for houses

Delft residents from the TRA section located next to the graveyard took to the streets in an angry protest demanding houses. The police escorted the protestors away from the highway, which they were blocking.

Mary-Jane Matsolo

News | 31 May 2012

Basson and wa Afrika tell Khayelitsha how they uncovered corruption

Last night, Adriaan Basson of the City Press and Mzilikazi wa Afrika of the Sunday Times spoke to 200 people at Lookout Hill in Khayelitsha.

GroundUp Staff

News | 29 May 2012

Weekly Roundup 14-20 May 2012

This is a list of the main news events of 20 to 27 May with links to news articles describing them.

GroundUp Staff

News | 29 May 2012

Corruption and inhumanity at Maitland Home Affairs

Everyday about a thousand asylum seekers queue outside the Maitland Refugee Reception Centre off Voortrekker Road. They try to get the papers they need to stay in the country legally so that they can avoid prison, fines and deportation.

GroundUp Reporters

News | 29 May 2012

How the asylum seeking process can be improved

How can the intolerable situations at the Home Affairs refugees centres be improved? We make some suggestions.

GroundUp Editor

News | 29 May 2012