
Cape Town can avoid Day Zero in 2019 - but we’ll have to keep consumption down

Dam levels are almost equal to same period last year


Analysis | 7 May 2018

Unions divided on Workers’ Day

Rival events held on 1 May show unequal support for Saftu and Cosatu

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Analysis | 2 May 2018

Are resident associations being captured by the property industry?

Sea Point shows how developers use these organisations to advance their own interests

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Analysis | 14 March 2018

Water curbs: a tale of rich and poor

Most water management devices installed in poor areas


Analysis | 7 March 2018

How severe is the drought? An analysis of the latest data

Facts are few, opinions plenty, on the cause of the water crisis


Analysis | 22 January 2018

Facts and myths about Cape Town’s water crisis

As Day Zero approaches, nonsense is being spread


Analysis | 18 January 2018

Here’s how unfairly police are distributed

Suburbs like Sea Point, Claremont and Camps Bay have far more officers per resident than Nyanga. Why?


Analysis | 17 January 2018

South Africa’s HIV treatment programme: a phoenix rising from the ashes?

Over 4 million people are on treatment but the programme may be stuttering


Analysis | 13 December 2017

Drought: Has Cape Town planned properly for Day Zero?

There are several unanswered questions

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Analysis | 6 December 2017

At last, some hope for injured workers

Compensation Fund starts to work properly again


Analysis | 28 November 2017

Water crisis: the more we know, the better we can respond

More transparency will improve the public response


Analysis | 16 November 2017

Police watchdog needs R50 million from the people it watches

Conflict of interest in the funding of the Independent Police Investigative Directorate


Analysis | 9 October 2017

Do immigrants “steal” jobs in South Africa? What the data tell us

Overall, immigration probably creates employment


Analysis | 18 September 2017

Does Marikana really have 60,000 people?

Measuring the number of people living in an informal settlement is difficult


Analysis | 1 September 2017

End in sight for silicosis case?

Anglo American and Gold Fields may settle with miners and their families


Analysis | 11 August 2017

Cybercrimes Bill makes cyberspace less secure

It also has a sinister provision that will make it easier for State Security to undermine privacy and freedom

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Analysis | 28 July 2017