Articles for Sandiso Phaliso

Outcry over loss of sports field to make way for a hospital in Gugulethu

The site is a poor choice and the impact on the community was not considered, say residents


Brief | 2 July 2024

Cape Town’s relocated railway occupiers protest over water

The R300 was blocked for several hours in what the community say was a “last resort” to be heard


Brief | 25 June 2024

PRASA fined R25,000 by City of Cape Town for contravening zoning laws

Temporary relocation of families occupying central line contravened municipal by-laws


Brief | 22 June 2024

Philippi satellite police station to open after two-year wait

The community is desperate for more policing


Brief | 13 June 2024

Bid to save legendary Lovedale Press

The 200-year-old Eastern Cape press is in a shambles, but there is a plan


News | 4 June 2024

These villagers got taps five years ago … but have never had water

Villages around Cofimvaba in the Eastern Cape battle for water


News | 31 May 2024

Violence erupts in Philippi on the eve of the elections

Protesters burn tyres, block roads, stone cars and set a bus alight. The car in which independent candidate Zackie Achmat was driving was shot at.


Brief | 28 May 2024

Voters will be safe in Philippi, say community leaders and police

No repeat of last November’s disruption of registration process


Brief | 28 May 2024

Eastern Cape clinic serving a dozen villages is falling apart

Patients at Gilton clinic complain of medication shortages, broken medical equipment, no proper furniture, staff shortages and high patient volume.


News | 24 May 2024

Philippi gangsters say they’ll only stop killing if government pays them

Two security guards escorting City workers were shot dead last week because protection is their business, say extortionists


Feature | 29 April 2024

We want reparations before the elections, demand victims of apartheid crime

About 100 pensioners, supported by the Khulumani Support Group, picketed outside Parliament on Tuesday


Brief | 23 April 2024

Trains are running again on Metrorail’s Southern Line but the embankment needs attention

The Transport Minister is due to catch a train from Fish Hoek to Cape Town on Tuesday

By and

News | 22 April 2024

Witness says camera footage shows Cape Town lawyer damaged neighbour’s car

Gary Trappler accused by neighbour of race attack


News | 17 April 2024

Extortion rackets disrupt work in Cape Town’s townships

We no longer go to some townships without an escort, says waste collection worker


News | 16 April 2024

Macassar residents “will fight tooth and nail” against PRASA’s plan to relocate shack dwellers

Hundreds marched on Saturday to protest against PRASA’s plan to move shack dwellers occupying the Central Line to Macassar


News | 15 April 2024